Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Henry Peeters paintings

Henry Peeters paintings
Hessam Abrishami paintings
Howard Behrens paintings
All right,’ I said. ‘I’m perfectly content. But am I not going to be allowed to see any more of the house?’
‘It’s all shut up. We came to see nanny. On Queen Alexandra’s day it’s all open for a shilling. Well, come and look if you want to...’
He led me through a baize door into a dark corridor; I could dimly see a gilt-cornice and vaulted plaster above; then, opening a heavy, smooth-swinging, mahogany door, he led me into a darkened hall. Light streamed through the cracks in the shutters. Sebastian unbarred one, and folded it back; the mellow afternoon sun flooded in, over the bare floor, the vast, twin fireplaces of sculptured marble, the coved ceiling frescoed with classic deities and heroes, the gilt mirrors and scagliola pilasters, the islands of sheeted furniture. It was a glimpse only, such as might be had from the top of an omnibus into a lighted ballroom; then Sebastian quickly shut out the sun. ‘You see,’ he said; ‘it’s

Monday, September 29, 2008

Alphonse Maria Mucha paintings

Alphonse Maria Mucha paintings
Benjamin Williams Leader paintings
Bartolome Esteban Murillo paintings
and water dripped monotonously from the damp roof to the damp floor and foul things crept about the damp walls. At the side of the cell furthest from the door was a broad step raised from the floor and covered with straw. And here the Lady Elizabeth sat and when the turnkey brought them their food, Antony knelt by her and served her. And after they had eaten thus, they wrapped their hands in each other’s and talked; and as they talked, they kissed. And they made a bed of straw on the step and thus among the foul and creeping things was their made; and the turnkey envied them that were so happy in so foul a place.
So a week wore itself out and another; and the cheeks of the Lady Elizabeth became pale and her hair became dull and coarse and the brows of the Count Antony that had been white, were dirty and his beard was long; but ever in his smouldering eyes there was

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Joan Miro paintings

Joan Miro paintings
Jean-Honore Fragonard paintings
Jehan Georges Vibert paintings
set opinions. In London finding Bratt’s and Bellamy’s disturbingly raffish, he joined that sombre club in Pall Mall that had been the scene of so many painful interviews with his self-appointed guardian, Sir Joseph Mannering, and there often sat in the chair which had belonged prescriptively to Sir Joseph and, as Sir Joseph had done, pronounced his verdict on the day’s news to any who would listen.
Basil turned, crossed to the looking glasses and straightened his tie. He brushed up the copious grey hair. He looked at himself with the blue eyes which had seen so much and now saw only the round, rosy face in which they were set, the fine clothes of English make which had replaced the American improvisations, the starched shirt which he was almost alone in wearing, the black pearl studs, the buttonhole.
A week or two ago he had had a disconcerting experience in this very hotel. It was a place he had frequented all his l, particularly in the latter years, and he was

Georgia O'Keeffe paintings

Georgia O'Keeffe paintings
Gustave Clarence Rodolphe Boulanger paintings
Guillaume Seignac paintings
moribund Celtic bard to the cross adolescent critic’s for whose dinner Mr. Bentley, the organizer, was paying. Mr. Bentley had, as he expressed it, cast his net wide. There were politicians and publicists there, dons and cultural attachés, Fulbright scholars, representatives of the Pen Club, editors; Mr. Bentley, for the belle époque of the American slump, when in England the worlds of art and and action harmoniously mingled, had solicited the attendance of a few of the early friends of the guest of honour and Peter and Basil, meeting casually a few weeks before, had decided to go together. They were celebrating the almost coincident events of Ambrose Silk’s sixtieth birthday and his investiture with the Order of Merit.
Ambrose, white-haired, pallid, emaciated, sat between Dr. Parsnip, Professor of Dramatic Poetry at Minneapolis, and Dr. Pimpernell, Professor of Poetic Drama at St. Paul. These distinguished expatriates had flown to London for the occasion. It was

Edward Hopper paintings

Edward Hopper paintings
Edgar Degas paintings
Emile Munier paintings
hat to it as though saluting an acquaintance. Why? Miles wondered. Then he was summoned to the politicians.
They were alone in their office save for a gruesome young woman. The Minister of Rest and Culture said: “Ease your feet, lad” and indicated a large leatherette armchair.
“Not such a happy occasion, alas, as our last meeting,” said the Minister of Welfare.
“Oh, I don’t know,” said Miles. He was enjoying the outing.
“The tragedy at Mountjoy Castle was a grievous loss to the cause of penology.”
“But the great work of Rehabilitation will continue,” said the gruesome young woman.
“A greater Mountjoy will arise from the ashes,” said the Minister.
“Those noble criminal lives have not been lost in vain.”
“Their memory will inspire us.”
“Yes,” said Miles. “I heard the broadcast.”
“Exactly,” said the Minister. “Precisely. Then you appreciate, perhaps, what a change the occurrence makes in your own position. From being, as we hoped, the first of a continuous

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Frida Kahlo Paintings

Frida Kahlo Paintings

The Mexican painter, Frida Kahlo has achieved great international popularity, Diego Rivera's wife. Frida Kahlo was born on July 6, 1907 in the house of her parents, known as La Casa Azul, in Coyoacan. After an accident, Kahlo turned her attention away from the study of medicine to begin a full-time painting career. A few days before Frida Kahlo died on July 13, 1954, Frida Kahlo wrote in her diary: "I hope the exit is joyful - and I hope never to return - Frida".

Frida Kahlo painted using vibrant colors in a style that was influenced by indigenous cultures of Mexico as well as by European influences that include Realism, Symbolism, and Surrealism. One catalog has 50 pieces of Frida Kahlo Paintings. Her Girl with Death Mask painting is very popular.