Thursday, October 23, 2008

John Singleton Copley Brook Watson And The Shark painting

John Singleton Copley Brook Watson And The Shark paintingTheodore Robinson On the Housatonic River paintingTheodore Robinson The Red Gown painting
Tiberius's fifth time in office and every one of his previous colleagues had died in unlucky circumstances: Varus, Gnaeus Piso, Gennanicus, Castor. So new hope arose that the nation's troubles would soon be over: a son of Gennanicus would rule over them. Tiberius might perhaps kill Nero and Drusus but he had clearly decided to save Caligula: Sejanus would not be the next Emperor. Everyone whom Tiberius now sounded on the subject seemed so genuinely relieved at his choice of a successor- for somehow they had persuaded themselves that Caligula had inherited all his father's virtues-that Tiberius, who recognized real evil whenever he saw it and had told Caligula frankly that he knew he was a poisonous snake and had spared him for that very reason, was much amused, and thoroughly pleased. He could use Caligula's rising popularity as a check to Sejanus and Livilla.
He now took Caligula somewhat into his confident and gave him a mission: to find out by intimate talks with Guardsmen, which of their captains had the greatest personal influence in the Guards' camp, next to Sejanus

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