Monday, November 10, 2008

Avtandil paintings

Avtandil paintings
Andrew Atroshenko paintings
Alfred Gockel paintings
window of his childhood and looked out at the Arabian Sea. The moon was almost full; moonlight, stretching from the rocks of Scandal Point out to the far horizon, created the illusion of a silver pathway, like a parting in the water's shining hair, like a road to miraculous lands. He shook his head; could no longer believe in fairy-tales. Childhood was over, and the view from this window was no more than an old and sentimental echo. To the devil with it! Let the bulldozers come. If the old refused to die, the new could not be born.
"Come along," Zeenat Vakil's voice said at his shoulder. It seemed that in spite of all his wrong-doing, weakness, guilt -- in spite of his humanity -- he was getting another chance. There was no accounting for one's good fortune, that was plain. There it simply was her carpet you remember her Spoono
you remember Rekha on her carpet when we fell and someone else mad looking guy Scottish get-up _gora_ type
didn't catch the name
She saw them or she didn't see them I can't be sure she just stood there
It was Rekha's idea take her upstairs summit of Everest once you've been there the only way is down

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