Monday, November 24, 2008

Breton Les Vendanges A Chateau-Lagrange

Breton Les Vendanges A Chateau-LagrangeParrish Parrish AfterglowKnight Fleur au bord de la RiviereBreton Young Woman in a Field
Now how can you give yourself the gift of relaxing breaths during even your busiest days? One answer is to pair a relaxing breath with an activity that comes up repeatedly during your day. For example, let’s say you’re a secretary. Each time your phone rings, breathe before you answer it. (6 seconds is less than the time it takes for the phone to ring again, so no one will even notice you’re taking time for yourself.)
Here are some other examples of fitting in a single breath, using - you guessed it - BREATHE:
B: If you’re a Blogger, take a breath each time you click .R: If you make Reservations for an airline, take a breath each time you book a flight going east.E: If you’re an Engineer, take a breath each time you use your calculator.A: If you’re an Accountant, take a breath each time you see a number ending in 6.T: If you’re a Teacher, take a breath each time the school bell rings.H: If you’re a Highway tollbooth operator, take a breath each time a white car comes through your lane.E: If you’re an Editor, take a breath each time you correct a comma.
Now it’s time to put your creativity to work for yourself. You’re invited to fill in the

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