Friday, November 7, 2008

Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring painting

Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring paintingJohannes Vermeer girl with the pearl earring paintingGustav Klimt The Three Ages of Woman painting
was, he actually fell to his actual knees. -- Then the stranger held the trumpet up over his head and shouted _I name this trumpet Azraeel, the Last Trump, the Exterminator of Men!_ -- and we just stood there, I tell you, turned to stone, because all around the fucking insane, _certifiable_ bastard's head there was this bright glow, you know?, streaming out, like, from a point behind his head.
A halo.
_Say what you like_, the three shop-attendants afterwards repeated to anyone who would listen, _say what you like, but we saw what we saw_. however, detained. Stories of police brutality, of black youths hauled swiftly into unmarked cars and vans belonging to the special patrol groups and flung out, equally discreetly, covered in cuts and bruises, spread throughout the communities. Self-defence patrols of young Sikh, Bengali and Afro-Caribbean males -- described by their political opponents as _vigilante groups_ -- began to roam the borough, on foot and in old Ford Zodiacs and Cortinas, determined not to "take it lying down". Hanif Johnson told his live-in lover, Mishal Sufyan, that in

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