Monday, January 5, 2009

Andy Warhol Gun 1982 painting

Andy Warhol Gun 1982 paintingAndy Warhol Dollar Sign 1981 paintingAndy Warhol Diamond Dust Shoes painting
would never do to be, perhaps, within arm's length of not to try for it, at the risk of dying in the attempt, to try for it and hand it over at last to all mankind!
That settled it! Tyltyl resolved to sacrifice himself. Like a true hero, he brandished the heavy golden key and cried: in front of our little friend, who was struck dumb with admiration and delight. What an exquisite surprise! A wonderful garden lay before him, a dream-garden filled with flowers that shone like stars, waterfalls that came rushing from the sky and "I must open the door!" He ran up to the great door, with Tylô panting by his side. The poor Dog was half-dead with fright, but his pride and his devotion to Tyltyl obliged him to smother his fears: "I shall stay," he said to his master, "I'm not afraid! I shall stay with my little god!" In the meantime, all the others had fled. Bread was crumbling to bits behind a pillar; Sugar was melting in a corner with Mytyl in his arms; Night and the Cat, both shaking with fury, kept to the far end of the hall. Then Tyltyl gave Tylô a last kiss, pressed him to his heart and, with never a tremble, put the key in the lock. Yells of terror came from all the corners of the hall, where the runaways had taken shelter, while the two leaves of the great door opened by magic

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