Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Francois Boucher Leda and the Swan

Francois Boucher Leda and the SwanJohannes Vermeer the MilkmaidWinslow Homer The Gulf Stream
the net was strong, and although the horse whinnied and reared back in fear, Iorek couldn't fight free of the coils.
"Iorek!" Will shouted. "Keep still! Don't move!"
He scrambled forward with his right. The great bear stood motionless as the boy darted here and there over his vast body, cutting, freeing, clearing the way.
"Now go!" Will yelled, leaping clear, and Iorek seemed to explode upward full into the chest of the nearest horse.
The rider had raised his scimitar to sweep down at the bear's neck, but through the puddles and over the tussocks as the rider tried to control the horse, and reached Iorek just at the moment when a second rider arrived and another net hissed through the air.But Will kept his head: instead of slashing wildly and getting in more of a tangle, he watched the flow of the net and cut it through in a matter of moments. The second net fell useless to the ground, and then Will leapt at Iorek, feeling with his left hand, cutting

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