Thursday, April 23, 2009

Frederic Edwin Church Sunset

Frederic Edwin Church SunsetFrederic Edwin Church AutumnLorenzo Lotto St Catherine of AlexandriaTitian Emperor Charles
swung back and forth across the scale.
Shawn leaned his rusty pike against the wall and drew his sword. He knew how to use it. He practiced for ten min-utes every day, and it was one sorry hanging sack of straw when he’d finished with it.
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He slipped into the keep by the back door and sidled along the passages toward the dungeon. There was no one else around. Of course, everyone was at the Entertainment.
And they’d be back any time now, carousing all over the
The castle felt big, and old, and cold.
Any time now.
Bound to.
The noise stoppedwhite-clad figure next to it.
Shawn blinked.
“Aren’t you Miss Tockley?”
.Shawn peered around the comer. There were the steps, there was the open doorway to the dungeons.“Stop!” shouted Shawn, just in case.The sound echoed off the stones.“Stop! Or ... or ... or ... Stop!”He eased his way down the steps and looked through thearchway“I warn you! I’m learning the Path of the Happy JadeLotus!”There was the door to the cell, standing ajar. And a
She smiled at him. Her eyes glowed in the dim light.

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