Friday, October 24, 2008

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Alqueria Valenciana painting

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Alqueria Valenciana paintingJoseph Mallord William Turner Pope's Villa at Twickenham paintingJoseph Mallord William Turner Rome from the Vatican painting
started a free fight. There followed one of the most remarkable nights of drinking arid singing and horse-play and violence and merry-making that was ever known. The effect of drink on Caligula was always to make him a little mischievous. At the head of the Scouts and the German bodyguard he charged about the island and along the line of shops, pushing people into the sea. The water was so calm that it was only the dead-drunk, the decrepit, the aged and little children who failed to save themselves. Not more than two or three hundred were drowned.
About midnight he made a naval attack on one" of the smaller islands, breaking the bridge on either side of it and then ramming ship after ship of the island until the inhabitants whom he had cut off were crowded together in a very small space in the middle. The final assault was reserved for Caligula's flagship. He stood waving his trident in the forecastle top, swept down on the terrified survivors and sent them all under. Among the victims of this

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