Friday, October 24, 2008

Rene Magritte Personal Values painting

Rene Magritte Personal Values painting
Rene Magritte Dangerous Liaisons painting
George Frederick Watts Creation painting
themselves worse than common prostitutes: no honest prostitute would have had the face to ask the prices they asked, and got, for their debaucheries!in any way.” Afterwards the Emperor Nero.-R.G. If I happened to meet her in a narrow passage she used to walk straight on down the middle without slackening her pace, making me squeeze against the wall. It was difficult for me to remember that they were the children of my dear brother and that I had promised Agrippina to do my very best to protect them,
I had no reason to feel sorry for my nieces. They were as bad as Caligula, in their way, and treated me very spitefully. When Agrippinilla's baby was born three years before she had asked Caligula to suggest a name for it. Caligula said, "Call it Claudius and it will be sure to turn out a beauty." Agrippinilla was so furious that she nearly strud Caligula; instead she turned quickly round and spat to wards me-and then burst into tears. The baby was called Lucius Domitius. “Lesbia was too proud to pay attention to me or acknowledge my presence
I had the embarrassing duty assigned to me of going

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

highly recommend to see a film about rene magritte.
Biography, creativity, review and a story about his paintings, the history of life and much more:
watch here