Thursday, October 9, 2008

Salvador Dali The Crucifixion painting

Salvador Dali The Crucifixion paintingSalvador Dali Les Elephants paintingMark Rothko Orange and Yellow painting
can say is, I hope you’re wrong but I just don’t know.”
“I don’t, either,” Andrew said. “But I hope it’s so.”
He saw Mary and Hannah look at him hopefully.
“I don’t mean the whole Business,” he said. “I don’t know anything about that. I just mean tonight.”

Can’t eat your cake and have it, his father thought.
Like slapping a child in the face, Andrew thought; he had been rougher than he had intended.
“But, Andrew dear,” Mary was about to say, but she caught herself. What a thing to argue about, she thought; and what a time to be wrangling about it!
Each of them realized that the others felt something of this; for a little while none of them had anything to say. Finally Andrew said, “I’m sorry.”
“Never mind,” his sister said. “It’s all right, Andrew.”
“We just each believe what we’re able,” Hannah said, after a moment

1 comment:

kamban said...

interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you

Salvador Dali Painting