Thursday, January 8, 2009

Andy Warhol Basket of Flowers

Andy Warhol Basket of FlowersAndy Warhol BananaAndy Warhol 300 SL Coupe 1954
As we saw during primary season, our president-elect is not free of his own brand of hubris and arrogance, and sometimes it comes before a fall: “You’re likable enough, Hillary” was the prelude to his defeat in New Hampshire. He has hit this same note again by assigning the invocation at his inauguration to the Rev. Rick Warren, the Orange County, Calif., megachurch preacher who has likened committed gay relationships to incest, polygamy and “an . Most Americans who have an opinion about Warren like him and his best-selling self-help tome, “The Purpose Driven life.” His good deeds are plentiful on issues like human suffering in Africa, poverty and climate change. He is opposed to same-sex , but so is almost every top-tier national politician, including Obama. Unlike such family-values ayatollahs as James Dobson and Tony Perkins, Warren is not obsessed with homoSexuality older guy marrying a child.” Bestowing this honor on Warren was a conscious — and glib — decision by Obama to spend political capital. It was made with the certitude that a leader with a mandate can do no wrong.In this case, the capital spent is small change

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