Monday, May 4, 2009

Pop art chuck berry on pink

Pop art chuck berry on pinkPop art brown in goldPop art billie on black
Whiteface tried to look panicky, but this did not work very well under a mouth painted into a wide grin.
'What? No! I , Dr Whiteface. I can see this must have been a great strain on you.'
The clown was limp with relief.
'Don't mention it. Don't mention it. Happy to help. I know you have your job to do.'
He ushered them down the stairs and into the courtyard, bubbling with small talk now. The rest of the Watch clanked to attention.
'Actually . . .' said Carrot, just as he was being ushered out of the gate, 'there is one thing you could do.'
'Of course, of course.'mean – if an Assassin broke into our Guild, I mean, not on proper business, and stole something, well, we'd definitely consider we were within our rights to, well—''Pour jelly into his shirt?' said Angua.'Hit him around the head with a bladder on a stick?' said Colon.'Possibly.''Each Guild to their own, of course,' said Carrot. 'I suggest we might as well be going, sergeant. Nothing more for us to do here. Sorry to have troubled you

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