Friday, November 28, 2008

Remington Ugly Oh The Wild Charge He Made

Remington Ugly Oh The Wild Charge He MadeRemington The TrooperRemington The Moose HuntRemington Pretty Mother of the Night
sexually mature during the winter. (Butterball needs roughly 28,000 laying hens and 1,700 "stud" toms each year to produce the right amount of fresh turkeys.) Come springtime, these birds will produce the eggs that are destined to become the turkeys we actually eat. Hens produce eggs in 25-weeklong cycles: The first five weeks' worth go toward fresh turkey production, the rest toward the frozen turkey market. Breeder hens are normally used for a single cycle before being slaughtered and processed themselves.Congratulations to you and your husband on a thrilling victory. It must be unnerving to find, a week after such a historic event, that all anyone wants to talk about is your wardrobe.
Forgive us. We pro-pundits can't help but chime in on the importance of clothes. Especially now that we've been treated to this absurdly style-happy election. We've spent the past 20 months talking about Clinton's décolletage, McCain's loafers, his wife's earrings, Obama's sunglasses, and, of course, Sarah Palin's pricey makeover. We just can't stop.

Neiman Valhalla Golf

Neiman Valhalla GolfNeiman Tournament GolfNeiman Tony LaRussa Manager of the YearNeiman The Three Tenors
because he spoke a moment later, his voice magically magnified so that it swelled through the ground, crashing upon Harry's eardrums.
 Hagrid could not continue, but broke down in fresh tears. Harry wondered how many centaurs were watching their procession pass;

he dared not open his eyes to look. Some of the Death Eaters called insults
   "Harry Potter is dead. He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone.

   "The battle    The two giants crashed along behind the Death Eaters; Harry could hear trees creaking and falling as they passed; they made so

much din that birds toes shrieking into the sky, and even the jeers of the Death Eaters were drowned. The victorious procession marched

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gauguin Man with an Ax

Gauguin Man with an AxGauguin Mahana No AtuaGauguin Les AlyscampsGauguin Landscape with Peacocks
put in my path! I crushed them as I crushed your mother, Snape's supposed great love! Oh, but it all makes sense, Potter, and in ways that you do not understand!
"What is this?"    Of all the things that Harry had said to him, beyond any revelation
   "Dumbledore was trying to keep the Elder Wand from me! He intended that Snape should be the true master of the wand! But I got there ahead of you, little boy - I reached the wand before you could get your hands on it, I understood the truth before you caught up. I killed Severus Snape three hours ago, and the Elder Wand, the Deathstick, the Wand of Destiny is truly mine! Dumbledore's last plan went wrong, Harry Potter!"

   "Yeah, it did." said Harry. "You're right. But before you try to kill me, I'd advise you think what you've done . . . . Think, and try for some remorse, Riddle. . . ."

Klee Heroic Roses

Klee Heroic RosesKlee Heroic Roses 2Klee Flora on SandKlee Fish Magic
After all this time?"

"Always," said Snape.
the mercy of the Carrows…"    Now Snape was head to head with Mundungus in an unfamiliar tavern, Mundungus's face looking curiously blank, Snape frowning in concentration.
   And the scene shifted. Now, Harry saw Snape talking to the portrait of Dumbledore behind his desk.

   "You will have to give Voldemort the correct date of Harry's departure from his aunt and uncle's," said Dumbledore. "Not to do so will raise suspicion, when Voldemort believes you so well informed. However, you must plant the idea of decoys; that, I think, ought to ensure Harry's safety. Try Confunding Mundungus Fletcher. And Severus, if you are forced to take part in the chase, be sure to act your part convincingly…I am counting upon you to remain in Lord Voldemort's good books as long as possible, or Hogwarts will be left to

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Lempicka Portrait of Prince Eristoff

Lempicka Portrait of Prince EristoffLempicka Portrait of Pierre de MontautLempicka Portrait of Man in OvercoatLempicka Portrait of Madame Boucard
There's something in that," she agreed. She pointed her wand at the Carrows, and a silver net fell upon their bound bodies, tied itself around them, and hoisted them into the air, where they dangled beneath the blue-and-gold ceiling like two large, ugly sea creatures. "Come. We must alert the other Heads of House. You'd better put that Cloak back on."
   Along the corridors they raced, and one by one the Patronuses left them. Professor McGonagall's tartan dressing gown rustled over the floor, and Harry and Luna jogged behind her under the Cloak.
   She marched toward the door, and as she did so she raised her wand. From the tip burst three silver cats with spectacle markings around their eyes. the Patronuses ran sleekly ahead, filling the spiral staircase with silvery light, as Professor McGonagall, Harry, and Luna hurried back down.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Breton Les Vendanges A Chateau-Lagrange

Breton Les Vendanges A Chateau-LagrangeParrish Parrish AfterglowKnight Fleur au bord de la RiviereBreton Young Woman in a Field
Now how can you give yourself the gift of relaxing breaths during even your busiest days? One answer is to pair a relaxing breath with an activity that comes up repeatedly during your day. For example, let’s say you’re a secretary. Each time your phone rings, breathe before you answer it. (6 seconds is less than the time it takes for the phone to ring again, so no one will even notice you’re taking time for yourself.)
Here are some other examples of fitting in a single breath, using - you guessed it - BREATHE:
B: If you’re a Blogger, take a breath each time you click .R: If you make Reservations for an airline, take a breath each time you book a flight going east.E: If you’re an Engineer, take a breath each time you use your calculator.A: If you’re an Accountant, take a breath each time you see a number ending in 6.T: If you’re a Teacher, take a breath each time the school bell rings.H: If you’re a Highway tollbooth operator, take a breath each time a white car comes through your lane.E: If you’re an Editor, take a breath each time you correct a comma.
Now it’s time to put your creativity to work for yourself. You’re invited to fill in the

Goya Dance of the Majos at the Banks of Manzanares

Goya Dance of the Majos at the Banks of ManzanaresGoya A Walk in Andalusiahassam Washington Arch in Springhassam View of Broadway and Fifth Avenue
Sensations are emotionally processed in the amygdala, a specific part of the brain's limbic system. There, and in the hippocampus, decisions are made as to which information should remain in long-term memory. The more powerfully the amygdala is activated, the greater the likelihood of a permanent memory. "But now here we have these four people who seem to violate this principle, because they also remember the most banal and inconsequential things," says McGaugh. He sighs. "I myself still can't remember when Bing Crosby died, even though I must've read it five times by now."One day Jill Price hopes to learn more about what makes her so different from other people. Perhaps she can also contribute to significant advances in the study of memory."At least working with scientists gives some meaning to my condition," says Price. And then she says
McGaugh, together with colleague Larry Cahill and researchers at Harvard University, is currently evaluating nuclear magnetic resonance images of the four subjects' brains. The scientists have already discovered a few structural peculiarities, which they plan to publish soon. About two dozen areas in the brain of their miracle woman are apparently larger than in an average person.

guan Before Exercise

guan Before Exerciseguan Beautiful lifeDa Vinci the picture of last supperDa Vinci picture of the last supper II
was supposed to visit the makers of "Sesame Street" at a studio with her kindergarten class. Her father, an agent who represented the creator of the Muppets, had organized the outing. But when the date approached, Jill contracted tonsillitis and was unable to go along.
"In retrospect, I know, of course, that it was not a big deal," she says, nervously twisting her necklace. "It sounds ridiculous, but when I remember it I experience that same boundless disappointment and rage that I felt back then as a young child."
Can someone who cannot forget even fall in love? Can they forgive, either others or had its share of suffering, including family strife, her mother's cancer and, later, the sudden death of her husband Jim. Because she was hounded by bad memories, grew depressed and feared that she was going crazy, she sat in front 5, 2000 (a Monday) and typed a single word into Google: memory.
That was how Price found James McGaugh, and became part of a scientific case study.
Semantic vs. Episodic Memory
McGaugh, 76, looks like a friendly, mischievous grandfather. He makes wooden rocking horses for

Friday, November 21, 2008

Waterhouse Listening to His Sweet Pipings

Waterhouse Listening to His Sweet PipingsDa Vinci Madonna and Child with a PomegranateRembrandt Sarah Waiting for TobiasRembrandt The Anatomy Lecture of Dr Tulp
think parents feel like it’s their job to just make their children eat something,” Ms. Worobey said. “But it’s really their job to serve a variety foods and get their children exposed to foods.”
A series of simple meal-time strategies can help even the pickiest eater learn to like a more varied diet. Here’s a look at six common mistakes parents make when feeding their children.
Sending children out of the kitchen With hot stoves, boiling water and sharp knives at hand, it is understandable that parents don’t want children in the kitchen when they’re making dinner. But studies suggest that involving children in meal preparation is an important first step in getting them to try new foods.
Researchers at Teachers at Columbia University studied how cooking with a child affects the child’s eating habits. In one study, nearly 600 children from kindergarten to sixth grade took part in curriculum intended to get them to eat more vegetables and whole grains. Some children, in addition to having lessons about eating, took part in cooking workshops. The researchers found that children who had cooked their own foods were more likely to eat those foods in the cafeteria, and even

Remington A Breed

Remington A BreedChase Sheds and Schooner GloucesterChase Alice in the Shinnecock StudioChase The Olive Grove
Stan Shunpike." said Ron.

   "Like 'ell you are." said the man called Scabior. "We know Stan Shunpike, 'e's put a bit of work our way."

There was another thud.
"Penelope Clearwater." said Hermione. She sounded terrified, but convincing. "What's your blood status?"
   "I'b Bardy," said Ron, and Harry could tell that his mouth was full of blood. "Bardy Weasley."
Half-Blood." said Hermione.

   "Easy enough to check," said Scabior. "But the 'ole lot of 'em look like they could still be 'ogwarts age -"

"We'b lebt," said Ron.

   "A Weasley?" rasped Greyback. "So you're related to blood traitors even if you're not a Mudblood. And lastly, your pretty little friend . . ." The relish in his voice made Harry's flesh crawl.

"Easy, Greyback." said Scabior over the jeering of the others.

   "Oh, I'm not going to bite just yet. We'll see if she's a bit quicker at remembering her name than Barny. Who are you, girly?

Chase Afternoon by the Sea aka Gravesend Bay

Chase Afternoon by the Sea aka Gravesend BayChase I am Going to See GrandmaRemington Hussar Russian Guard Corps
darkness, and the glorious spell was broken.

"That's what he's after."

The change in his voice made Ron and Hermione look even more scared.

"You-Know-Who's after the Elder Wand."

   He turned his back on their strained, incredulous faces. He knew it was the truth. It all made sense, Voldemort was not seeking a new wand; he was seeking an old wand, a very old wand indeed. Harry walked to the entrance of the tent, forgetting about Ron and seen anything to equal it in his nearly seven years in the Wizarding world. The Cloak was exactly what Xenophilius had described: A cloak that really and truly renders the wearer completely invisible, and endures eternally, giving constant and impenetrable concealment, no matter what spells are cast at it…

And then, with a gasp, he remembered—

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gockel Colorful Fish

Gockel Colorful FishGockel Classic Cool IIGockel Classic Cool IGockel City Dynamics III
dunno," said Ron. "Sometimes I've thought, when I've been a bit hacked off, he was having a laugh or --- or he just wanted to make it more difficult, But I don't think so, not anymore. He knew what he was doing when he gave me the Deluminator, didn't he? He -- well," Ron's ears turned bright red and he became engrossed in a tuft of grass at his feet, which he prodded with his toe, "he must've known I'd run out on you."
"Oh yeah," said Ron at once, "people are talking about it quite a lot. 'Course, if things were different it'd be huge news, Dumbledore being pals with Grindelwald, but now it's just something to laugh about
"No," Harry corrected him. "He must've known you'd always want to come back."

Ron looked grateful, but still awkward. Partly to change the subject, Harry said, "Speaking of Dumbledore, have you heard what Skeeter wrote about him?"

Gockel Spotlight On Guitar

Gockel Spotlight On GuitarGockel Spontaneous JamGockel Spirits at Play IIGockel Simplicity III
Harry, it's okay, wake up, wake up!"

He was Harry... Harry, not Voldemort ... and the thing that was rustling was not a snake ... He opened his eyes.
"Yes," said Hermione. "I had to use a Hover Charm to get you into your bunk. I couldn't lift you. You've been ... Well, you haven't been quite ..." There were purple shadows under her brown eyes and he
"Harry," Hermione whispered. "Do you feel all -- all right?"

"Yes," he lied.

He was in the tent, lying on one of the lower bunks beneath a heap of blankets. He could tell that it was almost dawn by the stillness and quality of the cold, flat light beyond the canvas ceiling. He was drenched in sweat; he could feel it on the sheets and blankets.

"We got away."

Li-Leger Northern Reflections - Loons

Li-Leger Northern Reflections - LoonsLi-Leger Nine Patch Canvas Art - SetLi-Leger Niki's SpaLi-Leger Mystic Journey
But she only stared at him.

"Why did you ask us to come with you, Mrs. - Miss -- Bagshot?" asked Hermione, raising her own voice. "Was there something you wanted to tell us?"

Giving no sign that she had heard Hermione, Bathilda now shuffled a few steps closer to Harry. With a little jerk of her head she looked back into the hall.
But when Hermione moved, Bathilda shook her head with surprising vigor, once more pointing first at Harry, then to herself. "She wants me to go with her, alone." "Why?" asked Hermione, and her voice rang out sharp and clear in the candlelit room, the old lady shook her head a little at the loud noise.
"You want us to leave?" he asked.

She repeated the gesture, this time pointing firstly at him, then at herself, then at the ceiling.

"Oh, right... Hermione, I think she wants me to go upstairs with her."

"All right," said Hermione, "let's go."

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rivera The Flower Seller, (Vendedora De Alcatraces) 1942

Rivera The Flower Seller, (Vendedora De Alcatraces) 1942Rivera The Flower CarrierRivera The Flower Carrier IRivera Retrato de la Sra Dona Elena Flores de Carrillo
Hmm," said Hermione, looking down at the heavy locket. "Well, maybe we ought not to wear it. We can just keep it in the tent."

"We are not leaving that Horcrux lying around," Harry stated firmly. "If we lose it, if it gets stolen—"
   "Fine, but we'll go somewhere else to find it," said Hermione with half a glance at Harry. "There's no point staying where we know dementors are swooping around."    In the end they settled down for the night in a far flung field belonging to a lonely farm, from which they had managed to obtain eggs and bread.
   "Oh, all right, all right," said Hermione, and she placed it around her own neck and tucked it out of sight down the front of her shirt. "But we'll take turns wearing it, so nobody keeps it on too long."

   "Great," said Ron irritably, "and now we've sorted that out, can we please get some food?"

Frida Kahlo Self Portrait with Monkey painting

Frida Kahlo Self Portrait with Monkey paintingFrida Kahlo Diego and Frida painting
between Cattermole and himself in appearance, his hair turning redder and redder as his face drained of the little color it had left.

"What's happened to him?"

   "Splinched," said Hermione, her fingers already busy at Ron's sleeve, where the blood was wettest and darkest.

   Harry watched, horrified, as she tore open Ron's short. He had always thought of Splinching as something between Cattermole and himself in appearance, his hair turning redder and redder as his face drained of the little color it had left.

"What's happened to him?"

   "Splinched," said Hermione, her fingers already busy at Ron's sleeve, where the blood was wettest and darkest.

   Harry watched, horrified, as she tore open Ron's short. He had always thought of Splinching as something

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Thomas Kinkade Lakeside Manor painting

Thomas Kinkade Lakeside Manor paintingThomas Kinkade cottage by the sea painting
John Collier Lilith painting
A pair of witches broke away from the queue for the lift and bustled off.

"No," said Ron, "no, of course –"

   "You realize that I am on my way downstairs to interrogate your wife, Cattermole? In fact, I'm quite surprised you're not down there holding her hand while she waits. Already given her up as a bad job, have you? Probably wise. Be sure and marry the hall, looking around as surreptitiously as possible, but there was no sign of the distinctive figure of Dolores Umbridge. They passed through the gates and into a smaller hall, where queues were forming in front of twenty golden grilles housing as many lifts. They had barely joined the nearest one when a voice said, "Cattermole!"

   They looked around

Diane Romanello Weeping Willows painting

Diane Romanello Weeping Willows paintingDiego Rivera Nude with Calla Lilies paintingGustav Klimt The Tree of Life painting
He opened his eyes; he had sunk to the floor. Hermione was pounding on the door again.

"Harry, open up!"
"You were yelling your head off!" said Ron. "Oh yeah … I must've dozed off or – "    "Harry, please don't insult our intelligence," said Hermione, taking deep breaths. "We know your scar hurt downstairs, and you're
   He had shouted out, he knew it. He got up and unbolted the door; Hermione toppled inside at once, regained her balance, and looked around suspiciously. Ron was right behind her, looking unnerved as he pointed his wand into the corners of the chilly bathroom.

"What were you doing?" asked Hermione sternly.

"What d'you think I was doing?" asked Harry with feeble bravado.

Vincent van Gogh Bedroom Arles painting

Vincent van Gogh Bedroom Arles paintingVincent van Gogh Almond Branches in Bloom paintingUnknown Artist Ford Smith Just Between Us painting
together at this moment, perhaps wondering where he, Ron, and Hermione were, or debating how best to undermine Snape's new regime.

   "They nearly saw me coming back in just now," Harry said, "I landed badly on the top step, and the Cloak slipped."
 She was carrying a large, framed picture, which she now lowered to the floor before seizing her small, beaded bag from the kitchen sideboard. Opening it, she proceeded to force the painting inside and despite the fact that it was patently too large to fit inside the tiny bag, within a few seconds it had vanished, like so much ease, into the bag's capacious depths.
   "I do that every time. Oh, here she is," Ron added, craning around in his seat to watch Hermione reentering the kitchen. "And what in the name of Merlin's most baggy Y Fronts was that about?"

"I remembered this," Hermione panted.


Frank Dicksee Romeo and Juliet painting

Frank Dicksee Romeo and Juliet paintingPierre Auguste Renoir A Girl with a Watering Can paintingEdward Hopper Room in Brooklyn painting
remembers Ariana ever demonstrating even the slightest sign of magical ability. It seems clear, therefore, that Kendra made a decision to hide her daughter's existence rather than suffer the shame of admitting that she had produced a Squib. Moving away from the friends and neighbors who knew Ariana would, of course, make imprisoning her all the easier. The tiny number of people who henceforth knew of Ariana's existence could be counted upon to keep the secret, including her two brothers, who had deflected awkward questions with the answer their mother had taught them. "My sister is too frail for school."

Next week: Albus Dumbledore at Hogwarts – the Prizes and the Pretense.

   Harry had been wrong: What he had read had indeed made him feel worse. He looked back at the photograph of the apparently happy family. Was it true? How could he find out? He wanted to go to Godric's Hollow, even if Bathilda was in no fit state to talk to him: he wanted to visit the place where

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Herbert James Draper The Water Nymph painting

Herbert James Draper The Water Nymph paintingHerbert James Draper Pot Pourri paintingHerbert James Draper Lancelot and Guinevere painting
looked wretched. Auntie Muriel cackled again and answered Harry.

   "Dumbledore's mother was a terrifying woman, simply terrifying. Muggle-born, though I heard she pretended otherwise-"
   "So you say, Elphias, but explain, then, why she never attended Hogwarts!" said Auntie Muriel. She turned back to Harry. "In our day, Squibs were often hushed up, thought to take it to the extreme of actually imprisoning a little girl in the house and pretending she didn't exist –"
   "She never pretended anything of the sort! Kendra was a fine woman," whispered Doge miserably, but Auntie Muriel ignored him.

   "- proud and very domineering, the sort of witch who would have been mortified to produce a Squib-"

"Ariana was not a Squib!" wheezed Doge.

Thomas Kinkade yankee stadium painting

Thomas Kinkade yankee stadium paintingThomas Kinkade ny yankee stadium paintingJuan Gris Violin and Guitar painting
waiter and make his way around the edge of the crowded dance floor. He wanted to find Ron, to tell him about Gregorovitch, but he was dancing with Hermione out in the middle of the floor. Harry leaned up against one of the golden pillars and watched Ginny, who was now dancing with Fred and George's friend Lee Jordan, trying not to feel resentful about the promise he had given Ron.

   He had never been to a wedding before, so he could not judge how Wizarding celebrations differed from Muggle ones, though he was pretty sure that the latter topped with two model phoenixes that took flight when the cake was cut, or bottles of champagne that floated unsupported through the crowd. As the evening drew in, and moths began to swoop under the canopy, now lit with floating golden lanterns, the

Andrew Atroshenko The Passion of Music painting

Andrew Atroshenko The Passion of Music paintingPablo Picasso Weeping Woman with Handkerchief paintingPablo Picasso Three Women painting
about- the holding of the "Guinness Book Worlds Record for the Fastest Talking Female?"
Well the stand-up comedy gig lead to my fast-talking by
accident. always say yes and figure it out
after how I am going to do something.
My stand up landed me a job doing weather and traffic at a radio station WBLS-FM in New York. I was doing it as this comedy character June East (Mae West's long-lost sister). One day, Dinah Prince, a reporter from the Daily News called and said she wanted to do an article on me. When she had finished interviewing me for the article, she asked-What are you planning to do next?
Next? Well at the time there was nothing I was planning on doing next, so I asked her what she meant, stalling for time. She said she really wanted towas a woman from The Daily News telling me she was interested in me! So I thought I'd better tell her something.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Amedeo Modigliani Seated Nude painting

Amedeo Modigliani Seated Nude paintingAmedeo Modigliani Red Nude paintingAmedeo Modigliani Landscape painting
No," said Ron, before Harry could answer. "So does it say how to destroy Horcruxes in that book?"

   "Yes," said Hermione, now turning the fragile pages as if examining rotting entrails, "because it warns Dark wizards how strong they have to make the enchantments on them. From all that I've read, what Harry did to Riddle's diary was one of the few really foolproof ways of destroying a Horcrux."
   "It doesn't have to be a basilisk fang," said Hermione patiently. "It has to be something so destructive that the Horcrux can't repair itself. Basilisk venom only has one antidote, and it's incredibly rare –"
"What, stabbing it with a basilisk fang?" asked Harry.

   "Oh well, lucky we've got such a large supply of basilisk fangs, then," said Ron. "I was wondering what we were going to do with them."

"– phoenix tears," said Harry, nodding.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Avtandil paintings

Avtandil paintings
Andrew Atroshenko paintings
Alfred Gockel paintings
window of his childhood and looked out at the Arabian Sea. The moon was almost full; moonlight, stretching from the rocks of Scandal Point out to the far horizon, created the illusion of a silver pathway, like a parting in the water's shining hair, like a road to miraculous lands. He shook his head; could no longer believe in fairy-tales. Childhood was over, and the view from this window was no more than an old and sentimental echo. To the devil with it! Let the bulldozers come. If the old refused to die, the new could not be born.
"Come along," Zeenat Vakil's voice said at his shoulder. It seemed that in spite of all his wrong-doing, weakness, guilt -- in spite of his humanity -- he was getting another chance. There was no accounting for one's good fortune, that was plain. There it simply was her carpet you remember her Spoono
you remember Rekha on her carpet when we fell and someone else mad looking guy Scottish get-up _gora_ type
didn't catch the name
She saw them or she didn't see them I can't be sure she just stood there
It was Rekha's idea take her upstairs summit of Everest once you've been there the only way is down

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Frida Kahlo Diego and Frida painting

Frida Kahlo Diego and Frida paintingPino pino color paintingPino Angelica painting
information already to hand." When the bad news telegram arrived, however -- the signatory was the unknown second wife, Nasreen II, and the tone was pretty unvarnished: FATHER GOING FAST + IF DESIROUS OF SEEING BETTER MOVE IT + N CHAMCHAWALA (MRS) -- he discovered to his surprise that after a of tangled with his father, after long years of crossed wires and "irrevocable sunderings", he was once again capable of an uncomplicated reaction. Simply, overwhelmingly, it was imperative that he reach Bombay before Changez left it for good.
He spent the best part of a day first standing in the visa queue at the consular section of India House, and then trying to persuade a jaded official of the urgency of his application. He had stupidly forgotten to bring the telegram, and was told, as a result, that "it is issue of proof. You see, anybody could come

Friday, November 7, 2008

Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring painting

Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring paintingJohannes Vermeer girl with the pearl earring paintingGustav Klimt The Three Ages of Woman painting
was, he actually fell to his actual knees. -- Then the stranger held the trumpet up over his head and shouted _I name this trumpet Azraeel, the Last Trump, the Exterminator of Men!_ -- and we just stood there, I tell you, turned to stone, because all around the fucking insane, _certifiable_ bastard's head there was this bright glow, you know?, streaming out, like, from a point behind his head.
A halo.
_Say what you like_, the three shop-attendants afterwards repeated to anyone who would listen, _say what you like, but we saw what we saw_. however, detained. Stories of police brutality, of black youths hauled swiftly into unmarked cars and vans belonging to the special patrol groups and flung out, equally discreetly, covered in cuts and bruises, spread throughout the communities. Self-defence patrols of young Sikh, Bengali and Afro-Caribbean males -- described by their political opponents as _vigilante groups_ -- began to roam the borough, on foot and in old Ford Zodiacs and Cortinas, determined not to "take it lying down". Hanif Johnson told his live-in lover, Mishal Sufyan, that in

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Paul Cezanne Still Life with Soup Tureen painting

Paul Cezanne Still Life with Soup Tureen paintingPaul Cezanne Still Life with Fruit Pitcher and Fruit-Vase paintingWilliam Bouguereau Dante and Virgil in Hell painting
Gibreel's flesh: _Saladin woz ear_. "Why stay with him?" he asked Allie, and to his surprise she blushed. "Why not spare yourself the pain?" Gibreel and Allie had holed up in Durisdeer, a village so small it didn't have a pub, and were living in a deconsecrated Freekirk converted -- the quasi-religious term sounded strange to Chamcha -- by an architect friend of Allie's who had made a fortune out of such metamorphoses of the sacred into the
"I don't really know you, not at all, really," she began, then paused and made a choice. "I'm not proud of the answer, but it's the truth," she said. "It's the sex. We're unbelievable together, perfect, like nothing I've known. Dream lovers. He just seems to, to _know_. To know _me_." She fell silent; the night hid her face. Chamcha's bitterness surged up again. Dream lovers were all around him; he, dreamless, could only watch. He gritted angry teeth; and bit, by mistake, his tongue.

Leroy Neiman Roulette II painting

Leroy Neiman Roulette II painting
Leroy Neiman Lights of Broadway painting
Pamela and Jumpy had both become involved in the campaign mounted to protest against the arrest of Dr. Uhuru Simba for the so-called Granny Ripper Murders. This, too, Jumpy went upstairs to discuss with Saladin. "The whole thing's completely trumped-up, based on circumstantial evidence and insinuations. Hanif reckons he can drive a truck through the holes in the prosecution case. It's just a straightforward malicious fit--up; the only question is how far they'll go. They'll verbal him for sure. Maybe there will even be witnesses saying they saw him do the slicing. Depends how badly they
Leroy Neiman Island Hole at Sawgrass painting
him. Pretty badly, I'd say; he's been a loud voice around town for some while." Charncha recommended caution. Recalling Mishal Sufyan's loathing for Simba, he said: "The fellow has -- has he not? -- a record of violence towards women . . ." Jumpy turned his palms outward. "In his personal ," he owned, "the guy's frankly a piece of shit. But that doesn't mean he disembowels senior citizens; you don't have to be an angel to be innocent. Unless, of course, you're black." Chamcha let this pass. "The point is, this

Guido Reni St Jerome painting

Guido Reni St Jerome paintingGuido Reni Joseph and Potiphars' Wife paintingFrancois Boucher Shepherd and Shepherdess Reposing painting
no instructions about you. So if you don't want to lose your heads as well as your balls, keep out of this." Eunuchs failed to defend the women of The Curtain while soldiers wrestled them to the ground; and among the eunuchs was Baa!, of the dyed skin and poetry. Just before the youngest "cunt" or "slit" was gagged, she yelled: "Husband, for God's sake, help us, if you are a manimmediate effect. Enough was enough. From behind her drapes, the Madam requested that the soldiers withdraw for an hour in the name of propriety to enable the guests to leave, and such was the inexperience of the officer in charge of the vice-squad that he agreed. The Madam sent her eunuchs to inform the girls and escort the clients out by a back door. "Please apologize to them for the interruption began to wag, not least in the harem, where opportunities to weaken Ayesha's power were eagerly seized by her opponents. The two young people had been alone in the desert for many hours, and it was hinted, more and more loudly

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thomas Kinkade Seaside Village painting

Thomas Kinkade Seaside Village paintingThomas Kinkade Seaside Hideaway paintingThomas Kinkade Pools of Serenity painting
Cone had been fond of calling his daughters. _Once again, Yel, I follow in your footsteps_. To be an attractive woman in a sport dominated by, well, hairy men was to be saleable, and the "icequeen" image didn't hurt either. There was money in it, and now that she was old enough to compromise her old, fiery ideals with no more than a shrug and a laugh, she was ready to make it, ready, even, to appear on TV talk-shows to fend off, with risque hints, the inevitable and unchanging questions about life with the boys at twenty-odd thousand feet. Such highprofile capers sat uneasily alongside the view of herself to which she still fiercely clung: the idea that she was a natural solitary, the most private of women, and that the demands of her life were ripping her in half. She had her first fight with Gibreel over this, because he said, in his unvarnished way: "I guess it's okay to run from the cameras as long as you

Pino remember when painting

Pino remember when paintingPino Purity paintingPino Elegant Seduction painting
voice, "you didn't say you were leaving." "You didn't even tell me your damn address," she responded. "So we both have secrets." He wanted to say, Mimigoing to get kicked. "I introduced him to the family," she said, too jokily. "You can imagine. Yassir Arafat meets the Begins. Never mind. We'll all live." He wanted to say, Mimi, you're all I've got. He managed, however, only to piss her off. "I wanted to warn you about Billy," was what he said.
She went icy. "Chamcha, listen up. I'll discuss this with you one time because behind all your bulishit you do maybe care for me a little. So comprehend, please, that I am an intelligent female. I have read _Finnegans Wake_ and am conversant with postmodernist critiques of the West, e.g. that we have here a society capable only of pastiche: a 'flattened' world. When I become the voice of a bottle of bubble bath, I am entering Flatland knowingly, understanding what I'm doing and why. Viz., I am earning cash. And as an intelligent woman

Monday, November 3, 2008

Richard Leblanc Valley of Sunflowers painting

Richard Leblanc Valley of Sunflowers paintingRichard Leblanc Valley of Poppies paintingRichard Leblanc Sunlight Country painting
Continuing down the line of these happy thoughts, he formulated a silent speech to his resting wife. "Mishal, I'm forty years old and as contented as a forty-day babe. I see now that I've been falling deeper and deeper into our love over the years, and now I swim, like some fish, in that warm sea." How much she gave him, he marvelled; how much he needed her! Their transcended mere sensuality, was so intimate that a separation was unthinkable. "Growing old beside you," he told her while she slept, "will be, Mishal, a privilege." He permitted himself the sentimentality of blowing a kiss in her direction and then tiptoeing from the room. Out once more on the main veranda of his private quarters on the mansion's upper storey, he glanced across to the , which were coming into view as the dawn lifted the mist, and saw the sight that would destroy his peace of mind forever, smashing it beyond hope of repair at the very instant in which he had become certain of its invulnerability to the ravages of fate.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Camille Pissarro The garden at Pontoise 1877 painting

Camille Pissarro The garden at Pontoise 1877 paintingCamille Pissarro Louveciennes The Road to Versailles paintingCamille Pissarro Landscape at Chaponval painting
The class was waiting for her, growing impatient with all this talk of phantoms. They wanted _the_ story, her story. They wanted to stand on the mountain-top. _Do you know how it feels_, she wanted to ask them, _to have the whole of your life concentrated into one moment, a few hours long? Do you know what it's like when the only direction is down?_ "I was in the second pair with Sherpa Pemba," she said. "The weather was perfect, perfect. So clear you felt you could look right through the sky into whatever lay beyond. The first pair must have reached the summit by now, I said to Pemba. Conditions are holding and we can go. Pemba grew very serious, quite a change, because he was one of the expedition clowns. He had never been to the summit before, either. At that stage I had no plans to go without oxygen, but when I saw that Pemba intended it, I thought, okay, me too. It was a stupid whim, unprofessional, really, but I suddenly wanted to be a woman sitting