Friday, October 31, 2008

Thomas Moran Grand Canyon painting

Thomas Moran Grand Canyon paintingThomas Moran Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone paintingThomas Moran Fort George Island painting
within 5 paychecks you’ll have a $1,000 emergency fund saved up. This is extremely important, as there will always be unexpected emergencies that come up (you have to go to the hospital, you car breaks down, and many people will use credit cards to pay for these expenses when they don’t have an emergency fund. If you have an emergency fund, you can avoid going deeper into the hole when these expenses inevitably come up.3. Make debt elimination a priority. Once you have a small emergency fund saved up ($1,000 is best to start with, but you can get by with as little as a $500 fund), begin channeling your extra money toward debt repayment. Make this a top priority, or you won’t get to it. That means make it your first payment each payday: set up an automatic payment at your bank where you automatically pay an extra amount to your highest-interest debt. Pay the minimum on your other debts for now, and once you pay off the highest-interest debt, put all your extra money to your next highest-interest debt … and so on, until all debts are paid off. An alternative is to pay your smallest debt first, then focus on the next biggest debt, and so on.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Johannes Vermeer Allegory of the Faith painting

Johannes Vermeer Allegory of the Faith paintingUnknown Artist warmth by volk paintingUnknown Artist Volk Warmth painting
Gibreel spat; leapt up, as if propelled by expectorated slush; wished Chamcha -- as has been reported -- many happy returns of the day; and commenced to beat the snow from sodden purple sleeves. "God, yaar," he shouted, hopping from foot to foot, "no wonder these people grow hearts of bloody ice."
Then, however, the pure delight of being surrounded by such a quantity of snow quite overcame his first cynicism -- for he was a tropical man -- and he started capering about, saturnine and soggy, making snowballs and hurling them at his prone companion, envisioning a snowman, and singing a wild, swooping rendition of the carol "Jingle Bells". The first hint of light was in the sense of smell is known to be closely associated with the brain's limbic system, which governs emotion and behavior.
"If odor has a strong effect on your emotions when you're awake, it makes sense for it to have a strong effect on your emotions when you're asleep," said Stuck, who presented the research Sunday in Chicago at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery. The findings have not been published.

Thomas Moran Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone painting

Thomas Moran Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone paintingThomas Moran Fort George Island paintingThomas Moran Cliffs of Green River painting
city, and open my breast, they saw you wash my heart in the waters of Zamzam and replace it inside my body. Many of them saw this, but still they worship stones. And when you came at night and flew me to Jerusalem and I hovered above the holy city, didn't I return and describe it exactly as it is, accurate down to the last detail? So that there could be no doubting the miracle, and still they went to Lat. Haven't I already done my best to make things simple for them? When you carried me up to the Throne itself, and Allah laid upon the faithful presses a deliberate forehead to the ground. His wife, Hind, immediately follows his lead.
The water-carrier Khalid has remained by the open tent-flap throughout these events. Now he stares in horror as everyone gathered there, both the crowd in the tent and the overflow of men and women outside it, begins to kneel, row by row, the movement rippling outwards from Hind and the Grandee as though they were pebbles thrown into

Thomas Kinkade ny yankee stadium painting

Thomas Kinkade ny yankee stadium paintingJuan Gris Violin and Guitar paintingJuan Gris The Open Window painting
men. The water-carrier Khalid is there, and some sort of bum from Persia by the outlandish name of Salman, and to complete this trinity of scum there is the slave Bilal, the one Mahound freed, an enormous black monster, this one, with a voice to match his size. The three idlers sit on the enclosure wall. "That bunch of riff-raff," Abu Simbel says. "Those are your targets. Write about more kicks, regular, methodical. Baal weeps at Abu Simbel's feet. The House of the Black Stone is far from empty, but who would come between the Grandee and his wrath? Abruptly, Baal's tormentor squats down, grabs the poet by the hair, jerks his head up, whispers into his ear: "Baal, she wasn't the mistress I meant," and then Baal lets out a howl of hideous scif-pity, because he knows his lifeconcessions are the foundations of the Grandee's wealth, so he is of course, Baal understands, the servant of Lat. And the satirist's devotion to this goddess is

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thomas Kinkade The Night Before Christmas painting

Thomas Kinkade The Night Before Christmas paintingThomas Kinkade The Heart of San Francisco paintingThomas Kinkade Sunset on Lamplight Lane painting
Cone, the more Saladin tried to conjure up the memory of Pamela, but she wouldn't come. At first it would be Zeeny who visited him, her shade, and then after a time there was nobody at all. Gibreel's passion began to drive Chamcha wild with anger and frustration, but Farishta didn't notice it, slapped him on the back, _cheer up, Spoono, won't be long now_.
o o o
On the hundred and tenth day Tavleen walked up to the little goateed hostage, Jalandri, and motioned with her finger. Our patience has been exhausted, she announcedthe room. Or, or. As if he's the guy who's awake and this is the bloody nightmare. His bloody dream: us. Here. All of it." Chamcha stared at him. "Crazy, right," he said. "Who knows if angels even sleep, never mind dream. I sound crazy. Am I right or what?"
"Yes. You sound crazy."
"Then what the hell," he wailed, "is going

Monday, October 27, 2008

Thomas Kinkade The Garden of Prayer painting

Thomas Kinkade The Garden of Prayer paintingThomas Kinkade Stairway to Paradise paintingThomas Kinkade Spirit of Christmas painting
dreamers continued sleeping for another minute until the scientists woke them up and asked them to describe their dreams and rate the experience as emotionally negative or positive Nielson, director of the Dream and Nightmare Laboratory at Montreal's Sacré-Coeur Hospital, commended the research for its technically sophisticated techniques, although he said the structure of the experiment could have been stronger.
Nielson, who was not involved in the study, said he's intrigued that the odors influenced dreams indirectly through emotions, rather than through the direct incorporation of smells.
"This indirect effect may offer a clue to processes of dream formation, i.e., that emotion is the first step in a an important external event," he said in an email..
Each subject was interviewed three times: Once after a rose-infused dream, once after smelling the sulfuric scent of rotten eggs, and once after no odor was administered.
The results showed that smelling roses gave nearly all dreams a pleasant tint, whereas the rotten eggs colored dreams negatively.
The control group generally did not report any change in their dreams, although one control dreamer said she and a grinning woman were both disgusted by the smell of something rotten.

Thomas Moran Autumn Landscape painting

Thomas Moran Autumn Landscape paintingJean Francois Millet The Gleaners paintingJacques-Louis David Napoleon crossing the Alps painting
last, sir."
Now, Caligula had lately sent letters to the Greek cities of Asia Minor ordering them each to send him ten boys of the noblest blood to dance the national sword-dance at the festival and sing a hymn in his honour. This was only an excuse for getting the boys in his power: they would be useful hostages when he turned his fury against Asia Minor. They should have arrived several days before this, but rough weather in the Adriatic bad held them up at Corfu. The Tiger said, "Inform the Emperor at once!" The Guardsman hurried to the theater.
Meanwhile I was beginning to feel very hungry. I whispered to Vitellius who was sitting behind me, "I do? Ah that the Emperor would set us the example of going out for a little luncheon." Then the Guardsman came up with the message about the boys’ arrival and Caligula said Asprenas: "Splendid! They'll be able to perform this afternoon. I roust see them at once and have a short rehearsal of the hymn. Come on, friends! The rehearsal first, then a bathe, luncheon, and back again!"
We went out. Caligula stopped at the gate to give orders about the

Claude Monet Sunflowers painting

Claude Monet Sunflowers paintingJohannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring paintingJohannes Vermeer girl with the pearl earring painting
Each session of intellectual work required the burning of only three more calories than relaxing did. But when the students hit the buffet table after the text summation, they took in an additional 203 calories. And after the memory and attention tests, the subjects consumed another 253 calories. Blood samples taken before, during and after the activities found that all that thinking causes big fluctuations in glucose and insulin levels. And because glucose fuels the neurons, a transitory low level in the brain may signal the stomach to get the hands to fill up the mouth, even though the energy actually spent has gone up just a hair. The researchers note that such “caloric overcompensation following intellectual work, combined with the fact that we are less physically active when doing intellectual tasks, could contribute to the obesity epidemic.” Think about that—unless you’re on a diet.
Speaking of calories reports that mathematicians from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, New York University and the Free University of Brussels have figured out a better way to wrap spherical pieces of chocolate. There’s a lot of wasted material when wrapping spheres with square pieces of foil or paper. But our intrepid geometers found that by using equilateral triangles rather than squares

Friday, October 24, 2008

Rene Magritte Personal Values painting

Rene Magritte Personal Values painting
Rene Magritte Dangerous Liaisons painting
George Frederick Watts Creation painting
themselves worse than common prostitutes: no honest prostitute would have had the face to ask the prices they asked, and got, for their debaucheries!in any way.” Afterwards the Emperor Nero.-R.G. If I happened to meet her in a narrow passage she used to walk straight on down the middle without slackening her pace, making me squeeze against the wall. It was difficult for me to remember that they were the children of my dear brother and that I had promised Agrippina to do my very best to protect them,
I had no reason to feel sorry for my nieces. They were as bad as Caligula, in their way, and treated me very spitefully. When Agrippinilla's baby was born three years before she had asked Caligula to suggest a name for it. Caligula said, "Call it Claudius and it will be sure to turn out a beauty." Agrippinilla was so furious that she nearly strud Caligula; instead she turned quickly round and spat to wards me-and then burst into tears. The baby was called Lucius Domitius. “Lesbia was too proud to pay attention to me or acknowledge my presence
I had the embarrassing duty assigned to me of going

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Alqueria Valenciana painting

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Alqueria Valenciana paintingJoseph Mallord William Turner Pope's Villa at Twickenham paintingJoseph Mallord William Turner Rome from the Vatican painting
started a free fight. There followed one of the most remarkable nights of drinking arid singing and horse-play and violence and merry-making that was ever known. The effect of drink on Caligula was always to make him a little mischievous. At the head of the Scouts and the German bodyguard he charged about the island and along the line of shops, pushing people into the sea. The water was so calm that it was only the dead-drunk, the decrepit, the aged and little children who failed to save themselves. Not more than two or three hundred were drowned.
About midnight he made a naval attack on one" of the smaller islands, breaking the bridge on either side of it and then ramming ship after ship of the island until the inhabitants whom he had cut off were crowded together in a very small space in the middle. The final assault was reserved for Caligula's flagship. He stood waving his trident in the forecastle top, swept down on the terrified survivors and sent them all under. Among the victims of this

William Bouguereau Young Gypsies painting

William Bouguereau Young Gypsies paintingWilliam Bouguereau Charity paintingWilliam Bouguereau Little Thieves painting
secure their conviction by whatever means he pleased. Macro wrote them all down as accomplices in a charge that he was preparing against a woman he had a grudge against, the wife of a former agent of Sejanus: she had repelled his advances. They were all accused of adultery with her and of taking Tiberius's name in vain. By browbeating freedmen and torturing slaves Macro got the evidence that was needed- freedmen and slaves had by now all lost the tradition of fidelity towards their masters. The trial began. But the friends of the accused noticed that though Macro himself had conducted the examination of witnesses and the torture of slaves, the usual Imperial letter approving his actions was not laid on the table: so they concluded that perhaps Macro had added one or two private enemies of his own to the list given him by Tiberius. The chief victim of these obviously absurd charges was Arruntius, the

Thursday, October 23, 2008

John Singleton Copley Brook Watson And The Shark painting

John Singleton Copley Brook Watson And The Shark paintingTheodore Robinson On the Housatonic River paintingTheodore Robinson The Red Gown painting
Tiberius's fifth time in office and every one of his previous colleagues had died in unlucky circumstances: Varus, Gnaeus Piso, Gennanicus, Castor. So new hope arose that the nation's troubles would soon be over: a son of Gennanicus would rule over them. Tiberius might perhaps kill Nero and Drusus but he had clearly decided to save Caligula: Sejanus would not be the next Emperor. Everyone whom Tiberius now sounded on the subject seemed so genuinely relieved at his choice of a successor- for somehow they had persuaded themselves that Caligula had inherited all his father's virtues-that Tiberius, who recognized real evil whenever he saw it and had told Caligula frankly that he knew he was a poisonous snake and had spared him for that very reason, was much amused, and thoroughly pleased. He could use Caligula's rising popularity as a check to Sejanus and Livilla.
He now took Caligula somewhat into his confident and gave him a mission: to find out by intimate talks with Guardsmen, which of their captains had the greatest personal influence in the Guards' camp, next to Sejanus

Carl Fredrik Aagard Amalfi dia Cappuccini painting

Carl Fredrik Aagard Amalfi dia Cappuccini paintingSalvador Dali The Surrealist Shoe paintingSalvador Dali The Enigma of Desire painting
accompany him at once to the scene of the murder. The first thing that he noticed in the bedroom was his own -gift to Flautius, a beautiful bronze-and-gold candelabra taken from the tomb of a queen, now lying broken on the ground. He glanced up and saw that it had been wrenched from the ceiling. He said: "She clung to it and it came down. She was being carried towards the window on somebody's shoulders. And look how high up in the window the hole is! She was pitched through, she did not jump through."
"It was witchcraft," said Plautius. "She was carried through the air by an unseen power. She shrieked and blamed my former wife Numantina."
Tiberius scoffed. Plautius's friends realized that he would be convicted of murder and executed, and his property confiscated. His grandmother Urgulania therefore sent him a dagger, telling him to think of his heirs, who would

Vincent van Gogh Girl in White painting

Vincent van Gogh Girl in White paintingVincent van Gogh Four Cut Sunflowers paintingVincent van Gogh Fishing Boats on the Beach painting
explained myself as well as I could, and said that it was a bad joke of Plautius's, sending me into her room without telling me that she was there. I had the greatest respect for her, I said, and apologized sincerely for my intrusion and would leave her at once and sleep on a couch in the Baths.
"No, my dear, now you're here you stay. It isn't often that I have the pleasure of my husband's company. Please understand that once you're here you can't escape. Get into bed and go to sleep and I'll join you later. I'm going to read a book until I feel sleepy. I've not been able to sleep properly for nights."
"I am very sorry if I woke you up just now…"
"Get into bed."
"I am very sorry indeed about Numantina's . I knew nothing about it until the freedman told me a moment ago."
"Get into bed and stop talking."
"Good night, Urgulanilla. I am really very…"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jean Beraud An Evening Soiree painting

Jean Beraud An Evening Soiree paintingUnknown Artist tango dancers paintingUnknown Artist sweet breath painting
against him, protesting his loyalty to Livia and himself, and imploring their protection for his sons as having taken no part in the events which had been made the subject of his impeachment. Plancina's trial then began. She was proved to have been seen in the society of Martina, and Martina's reputation as a poisoner was sworn to, and it came out that when Martina's corpse was prepared for burial a phial of poison was found knotted in her hair. Old Pomponius, Gennanicus’s orderly, testified to the horrible putrid relics planted in the house and to Plancina's visit there with Martina in Germanicus's absence; and when questioned by Tiberius he gave detailed evidence of the hauntings. Nobody came forward to defend PIancina. She protested her innocence with tears and oaths and said that she knew nothing of Martina’s reputation as a poisoner and that her only Business with her had been to buy perfumes. She said that the woman who had come with her to the house was not Martina

Frank Dicksee La Belle Dame Sans Merci painting

Frank Dicksee La Belle Dame Sans Merci paintingSandro Botticelli The Birth of Venus paintingEdward Hopper Nighthawks painting
in Syria, where it was easy for him to carry on a treasonable correspondence with certain Parthian nobles. Germanicus replied that as representative of his father, the Emperor, he would be pleased to meet the king, and renew the alliance, and that he would remove Vonones to some other province. So Vonones was sent to Cilicia, and Piso's hope of a fortune vanished. Plancina was as angry as her husband: Vonones had been giving her almost daily presents of beautiful jewels.
Early the next year news reached Gennanicus of great scarcity in Egypt. The last harvest had not been good, but there was plenty of corn from two years before, stored in granaries. The big corn-brokers kept up the price by putting only very small supplies on the market. Gennanicus sailed at once to Alexandria and forced the brokers to sell at a reasonable price all the corn that was needed. He was glad of this excuse for visiting Egypt, which interested

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Edgar Degas Ballet Rehearsal painting

Edgar Degas Ballet Rehearsal paintingEdgar Degas Absinthe paintingFrida Kahlo The Broken Column painting
MODERATION AND consulted the Senate before taking any step of the least political importance. But the Senate had been voting according to direction for so long that they seemed to have lost the power of independent generous, courageous, utterly truthful and was never known to stoop to the least fraud, even if good promised to come from so doing. If he had been in Germanicus's position, for instance, he would never have forged that letter though his own safety and that of the Empire had hung upon it. Tiberius made Nerva superintendent could forge a letter from his father in whatever circumstances was not to be trusted; and that Germanicus was really aiming at the monarchy but was acting with caution-first winning the men's affection by bribery and then making sure of their fighting capacities and his own leadership by this unnecessary campaign across the Rhine. As for Agrippina, Sejanu said, she was a dangerously cycle does not close until the death of everyone who was alive at the festival celebrating the close of the previous cycle. A cycle averages a little over one hundred years. Well, this was the last cycle and it would end with the total disappearance of Etruscan as a spoken language. The prophecy was already as good as

Edgar Degas Woman Combing Her Hair painting

Edgar Degas Woman Combing Her Hair paintingFrederic Edwin Church Autumn paintingTitian Sacred and Profane Love [detail] painting
like to imagine that the reason others succeed and we don’t is because they happened to be in the right place at the right time, and opportunity presented itself. While that may be true in some cases, more often than not those who succeed are people who have maintained a positive attitude and patience in the face of obstacles, and in spite of setbacks remained determined: preparing for the opportunity they knew It is better to be prepared for an opportunity and not have one than to have an opportunity and not be prepared. Whitney Young, Jr.
A charming story that illustrates this point appears in Chicken Soup for the Soul – Living Your Dreams by Jack Canfield. The whole book is filled with inspiring stories and worth the read, but my favorite appears on page 230.
Canfield tells the story of Les Brown – a young, hungry wannabe disc jockey that was turned down week after week by the station manager. Finally, the station manager relented and hired him: as an errand boy, without

Monday, October 20, 2008

Raphael La Belle Jardiniere painting

Raphael La Belle Jardiniere painting
Raphael The Holy Family painting
Although the campaigning season was nearly at an end, the fine weather still held and Germanicus promised to do what they asked. He threw a pontoon bridge over the river and marched across at the head of twelve thousand Roman infantry, twenty-six battalions of allies and eight squadrons of cavalry. From his agents in enemy territory he knew of a large concentration of the enemy in the villages of Münster, where an annual autumn festival in honour of the German Hercules was being held. News of the mutiny had reached the Germans-the mutineers had actually been in treaty with Hermann and had exchanged presents with him-and they were only waiting for the regiments to
William Bouguereau The Broken Pitcher painting
march away to their new kingdom in the South-West before crossing the Rhine and marching direct for Italy. Gennanicus followed a rarely used forest-route and surprised the Germans completely, catching them at their beer-drinking. (Beer is a fermented drink made from steeped grain and they drink it to extraordinary excess at their feasts.) He divided his forces into four columns and wasted the country on a fifty-mile frontage, burning the villages and slaughtering the inhabitants without respect for age or sex. On his return he

John William Godward paintings

John William Godward paintings
While being determined is important, do not be so hard on yourself that you become critical of every move you make. Give yourself some room to make mistakes and be flexible. That does not mean you can miss goals but it does mean that if you do, find out how to avoid that from happening again.
6. Accept responsibility. You are responsible for what happens with your life. It’s not ok to blame the media, government or your parents for your mistakes and failures. If you keep blaming people you’ll soon learn that you let them control you, and when you realize this you’ll start taking responsibility for your own and work towards your own success.
John William Waterhouse paintings
7. Adapt an “I can” attitude. The way you think, day in day out, affects all aspects of your life. Learning to listen to your “internal dialogue” will help you recognize your thought patterns and how they may be affecting the way you handle the stressful situations of daily living. Having a positive mental attitude will attract what you need to achieve your definite major purpose.
What’s your take on this? Why do you think others succeed where perhaps you haven’t (or at least to the degree that you wish you had)?
John Singer Sargent paintings

Henri Fantin-Latour paintings

Henri Fantin-Latour paintings
Horace Vernet paintings
single fortress put up a decent resistance: it was the one held by Cassius. The Germans would have occupied this as easily-as the rest because the garrison was small, but Hermann and Segimerus were elsewhere and none of the rest understood the Roman art of siege-warfare with catapults, mangonels, the tortoise, and sapping. Cassius had a big supply of bows and arrows in his fortress and taught everyone, even the women and slaves, to use them. He successfully beat off several wild attacks on the gates and had great pots of boiling water always ready to pour on any Germans who attempted to scale the walls with ladders. The Germans were so busy trying to capture this place, where they expected to find rich plunder, that they did not push on to the Rhine bridge-heads which were held by inadequate guards.
News came of Tiberius's rapid approach at the head of his new army. Hermann at once rallied his forces, determined to capture the bridges before Tiberius could reach them. A detachment was left to invest the fortress, which
Irene Sheri paintings

Friday, October 17, 2008

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Children on the Beach painting

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Children on the Beach paintingThomas Gainsborough The Morning Walk paintingThomas Gainsborough River Landscape painting
The sacrifice was customarily held at the house of a Consul, but now always at Augustus's palace, because he ranked above the Consuls. This was convenient for Urgulania, who made the women come into her room there (which was arranged in a way to inspire fear and truthfulness), bound them to tell the truth by the most I shall tell how once, when summoned by a senator to whom she owed a large sum of money to appear before the magistrate in the Debtors' Court, she refused to obey the summons; and how, to avoid the scandal, Livia paid up. On another occasion she was subpoenaed as a witness in a Senatorial inquiry: having no intention of being cross-frightful oaths, and when they had confessed, dismissed them while she considered the appropriate penance. Livia, who was in the room concealed behind a curtain, would then suggest one. The two got a great deal of amusement out of this and Livia plenty of useful information and assistance in her plans.
As Mother Confessor in the service of the Good Goddess, Urgulania considered herself above the law. Later

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema Caracalla and Geta painting

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema Caracalla and Geta paintingSir Lawrence Alma-Tadema Welcome Footsteps paintingSir Lawrence Alma-Tadema promise of spring painting
compassionate as all of you are, I have a responsibility to raise my hopeful voice in defense of the voiceless, the powerless, the hungry and the dying. It would be wrong of me to be silent when I know better.
Today I’d like to talk about Third World poverty, and why we in the First World are responsible. And how we can change it. * There is famine in many countries, and people are dying of malnourishment, of starvation, and of related diseases. Many of them live in the streets, children included, with no shelter, no jobs, no hope of anything better. From “Around the world, over one billion people survive on less than a dollar a day and one person in seven goes to bed hungry each night.” * Access to health care is almost non-existent, and millions die of diseases that
What’s at Stake
I am not going to bore you with statistics, and this post would be pages and pages long if I went into details. But let’s just briefly look at what is happening in the Third World, a group of countries that is immensely populous but immensely poor.
The effects of the extreme poverties of these countries is devastating. Just a few:

Unknown Artist Brent Lynch Coastal Drive painting

Unknown Artist Brent Lynch Coastal Drive paintingUnknown Artist Brent Lynch Cigar Bar paintingUnknown Artist Paris Eiffel Tower painting
the overwhelming slate of potential harm, the aim of the study was to identify early predictors of victimization, along with behavioral interventions that may prevent it. The bulk of past research on the matter involved primary-school-age children, says Michel Boivin, a psychologist at Université Laval in Québec, Canada, and a co-author of the study; the new research tracks behavior in very young kids — as early as those in pre-preschool, when children first begin interacting with one another socially.surveyed about their children during their earliest school years — every six months up to age 6 — in order to determine how often children complained of suffering physical violence at school, being called names or being teased by their peers. Subsequently, the study asked the same questions of teachers and the children themselves.
The research team studied data on 1,970 children — about half boys, half girls — and their families, all participants in the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development. The children were born between October 1997 and July 1998 and represented a socio-economic cross-section of Quebec society. Mothers were

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Claude Monet La Grenouillere painting

Claude Monet La Grenouillere paintingClaude Monet Cliffs Near Dieppe paintingFabian Perez Tango painting
Even though they are still too young to speak, babies at just five months old are able to distinguish the differences between the works of major classical composers, scientists reveal.
Researchers found that babies responded differently to upbeat tunes, such as 'Ode to Joy' from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, compared to a selection of gloomier tunes.
The finding was made by experts from Brigham Young University in the US where they conducted tests on 96 infants aged between three and nine months.
By nine months, babies could do the opposite - that is, pick out the sorrowful sound of Beethoven's Seventh Symphony from a series of happy pieces.
The results show that babies are making sense of the world long before they can talk, claims psychology professor and study author Ross Flom.'Infants master so many things in such a short time frame. One of the first things babies understand

Andrew Atroshenko The Passion of Music painting

Andrew Atroshenko The Passion of Music paintingPablo Picasso Weeping Woman with Handkerchief paintingPablo Picasso Three Women painting
conference will discuss precautions that users can take, as well as technical solutions to minimize hearing damage. It will also consider whether there is a need for further regulations or revisions of existing safety standards.
The report refers to a 2004 study that recommends limiting listening time to one hour per day and setting the volume to no more than 60 percent of maximum sound output when using headphones that are placed over the ears — and even less when using ear buds.
It said another study suggested restricting the maximum output level of personal music players to 90 decibels.
The Scientific Committee opinion argues that if users of personal music players listen for only five hours a week at volumes exceeding 89 decibels, that level would exceed the current limits in place

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

John William Waterhouse Odysseus and the Sirens painting

John William Waterhouse Odysseus and the Sirens paintingThomas Kinkade xmas cottage paintingThomas Kinkade Victorian Autumn painting
my cries for mercy and came bursting angrily in. "Stop beating him, at once!" he shouted.
Cato looked at him in scornful surprise and fetched me another blow that knocked me off my stool. Postumus said: "Those that can't beat the ass, beat the saddle." (That was a proverb at Romeopinion; and my further opinion is that Carthage should be destroyed: she is a menace to Rome," By harping incessantly on the menace of Carthage he brought about such popular perhaps Jove will be good enough to thunder again soon."
Cato did not forgive that senator, who was a distant relative. A year later he was going through the roll of senators, as his duty as Censor was, asking each man in turn whether he was marriedof public morals, he did some mighty queer things: they were allegedly in the name of public decency but really, it seems, to satisfy his personal spites. On his own showing

Edward Hopper Railroad Sunset painting

Edward Hopper Railroad Sunset paintingEdward Hopper Corn Hill Truro Cape Cod paintingEdward Hopper Cape Cod Morning painting
me to exceed the usual bounds of polite education in the subject. It was he who first inclined me to history. He had copies of the first twenty volumes of Livy's history of Rome, which he gave me to read as an example of lucid and agreeable writing. Livy's stories enchanted me and Athenodorus promised me that as soon as I had mastered my stammer I should meet Livy himself, who was a friend of his. He kept his word. Six months later he took me into the Apollo Library and introduced me to a bearded stooping man of about sixty with a yellowish complexion, a happy eye and a precise way of speaking, who greeted me cordially as the son of a rather whom he had so much admired. Livy was at this time not quite half-way through his history, which was to be completed in one hundred and fifty volumes and to run from the earliest legendary times to the death of my father some twelve years previously. It was at this date that he had begun publishing his work, at

Rembrandt The Elevation Of The Cross painting

Rembrandt The Elevation Of The Cross paintingRembrandt David and Uriah paintingRembrandt Christ On The Cross painting
What, never?"
"Well, a couple of years ago, to be frank with you, my wife happened to throw her arms around me during a thunderstorm which scared her, but fortunately nobody was about and I assure you it will be a long time before she does it again."
"Oh," said the senator, pretending to misunderstand him, for Cato meant, I suppose, that he had given his wife a terrible lecture for her want of gravity. "I'm sorry about that. Some women aren't very affectionate with plain-looking husbands, however upright and virtuous they may be. But never mind, perhaps Jove will be good enough to thunder again soon."
Cato did not forgive that senator, who was a distant relative. A year later he was going through the roll of senators, as his duty as Censor was, asking each man in turn whether he was married. There was a law, which

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Claude Monet Bridge over a Pool of Water Lilies painting

Claude Monet Bridge over a Pool of Water Lilies paintingVincent van Gogh field of poppies paintingMichael Austin The Black Drape painting
Augustus loved his sister Octavia dearly and had been much grieved on her account when, soon after her marriage, he learnt that Antony, after starting out for the East to fight a war in Parthia, had stopped on the "'ay to renew his intimacy with Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt; and still more grieved at the slighting letter that Octavia had received from Antony when she went out to help him Ac next year with men and money for his campaign. The letter, which reached her when she was half-way on her journey, ordered her coldly to return Home and attend to her household affairs; yet he accepted the men and money. Livia was secretly delighted at the incident, having long been assiduous in making misunderstandings and jealousies between Augustus and Antony, which Octavia had been as assiduous in smoothing out. When Octavia returned to Rome, Livia asked Augustus to invite her to leave Antony's house and stay with them. She refused

Jean Beraud Le Cafe de Paris painting

Jean Beraud Le Cafe de Paris paintingJean Beraud La Rue de la Paix paintingHenri Rousseau The Football Players painting
always a humbug. What Rome really needs is a king again." That at least is how she talked to my grandfather urging him that Mark Antony, and Augustus (or Octavian, I should say), and Lepidus (a rich but unenergetic nobleman), who between them now ruled the Ro-, man world, would in time fall out; and that, if he played his hand well, he could use his dignity as a pontiff and the reputation for integrity which was conceded him by all factions as a means to becoming king himself. My grandfather replied sternly that if she spoke in this strain again he would divorce her; for in the old style of Roman marriage the husband could put his wife away without a public explanation, returning the dowry that had come with her- but keeping the children. At this my grandmother was silent and pretended to submit, but all love between them died from that moment. Unknown to my grandfather, she immediately set about engaging the passions of Augustus.
This was no difficult matter, for Augustus was young and

Jean Francois Millet Spring painting

Jean Francois Millet Spring paintingJean Francois Millet Man with a hoe paintingHerbert James Draper The Water Nymph painting
hairy third and the hairy fourth and the hairy fifth were this history will plainly show; and I am indeed an idiot if, granting the oracle's unswerving accuracy in every particular up to the present, I do not recognize the hairy sixth; refoicing on Rome's behalf that there will be no CANNOT REMEMBER MY FATHER, WHO DIED WHEN I WAS an infant, but as a young man I never lost an opportunity of gathering information of the most detailed sort about his life and character from every possible person-senator, soldier or slave-who had known him. I began writing his biography as my apprentice-task in history, and though that was soon put a stop to by my grandmother, Livia, I continued collecting material in the hope of hairy seventh to succeed himone day being able to finish the work. I finished it, actually, just the other day, and even now there is no sense in trying to put it into circulation. It is so republican in sentiment" that the moment

Monday, October 13, 2008

William Bouguereau The Song of the Angels painting

William Bouguereau The Song of the Angels paintingPierre-Auguste Cot Le Printemps paintingLeonardo da Vinci picture of the last supper painting
though a lot of public libraries have many of the same resources these days. If I’m trying to learn a new skill – like Ruby programming, a short-lived fascination I entertained a couple years ago – I’ll just head to a bookstore. You’d be surprised at how many “Learn X in 24 hours” type books there are out there – if more than a handful of people are interested in learning about something, chances are there’s a how-to book on it.
3. Look for magazines.Don’t neglect the newsstand at your bookstore (or if you have a real newsstand around, head straight there!) or periodicals room at your library. Most subjects have a variety of magazines devoted to them, ranging from hobbyist mags to academic journals, and spending a couple of hours with a few recent issues can go a long way towards familiarizing you with the main areas of interest in the field. Pay attention to the letters and editor’s notes – these often “explain the explanations” by serving as “meta-discourse” on the more complex material covered deeper in the magazine

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Vincent van Gogh Stairway at Auvers painting

Vincent van Gogh Stairway at Auvers paintingVincent van Gogh Souvenir de Mauve paintingVincent van Gogh Orchard in Blossom painting
around her and felt her hand become alive on his shoulder and felt his sister’s arm. He touched her bare arm tenderly, and felt her hand grapple for and take his arm. He put his hand around her arm and felt how little it was. He could feel a vein beating against the bone, just below her armpit.
“Our Father,” she said.
They joined her, Catherine waiting for those words of which she was sure, Rufus lowering his voice almost to silence while she hesitated, trying to give her the words distinctly. Their mother spoke very gently.
“Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy—”
“Thy will be d ...” Rufus went on, alone; then waited, disconcerted.
“Thy will be done,” his mother said. “On earth,” she continued, with some strange shading of the word which touched him with awe and sadness; “as it is in heaven.”
“Give us this d ...”
Rufus was more careful this time.
“Daily bread,” Catherine said confidently.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thomas Gainsborough River Landscape painting

Thomas Gainsborough River Landscape paintingThomas Gainsborough Mr and Mrs Andrews paintingSandro Botticelli Madonna and Child painting
this. The realization came without shape or definability, save as it was focused in the pure physical act of leaving the room, but came with such force, such monstrous piercing weight, in all her heart and soul and mind and body but above all in the womb, where it arrived and dwelt like a cold and prodigious, spreading stone, that she groaned almost inaudibly, almost a mere silent breath, an Ohhhhhhh, and doubled deeply over, hands to her belly, and her knee joints melted.
Hannah, smaller than she, caught her, and rapped out, “Close that door!” It would be a long time before either of the women realized their resentment of the priest and their contempt for him, and their compassion, for staying in the room. Now they did not even know that he was there. Hannah helped her to the edge of the bed and sat beside her exclaiming over and over, in a heartbroken voice, “Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary. Oh Mary, Mary, Mary,” resting one already translucent, spinster’s hand lightly upon the back of her veiled head, and with the other, so clenching one of Mary’s wrists that she left a bracelet of

Gustav Klimt Danae (detail) painting

Gustav Klimt Danae (detail) paintingSalvador Dali The Persistence of Memory paintingSalvador Dali The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory painting
The air was cool and gray and here and there along the street, shapeless and watery sunlight strayed and vanished. Now that he was in this outdoor air he felt even more listless and powerful; he was alone, and the silent, invisible energy. was everywhere. He stood on the porch and supposed that everyone he saw passing knew of an event so famous. A man was walking quickly up the street and as Rufus watched him, and waited for the man to meet his eyes, he felt a great quiet lifting within him of pride and of shyness, and he felt his face break into a smile, and then an uncontrollable grin, which he knew he must try to make sober again; but the man walked past without looking at him, and so did the next man who walked past in the other direction. Two schoolboys passed whose faces he knew, so he knew that they must know his, but they did not even seem to see him. Arthur and Alvin Tripp came down their front steps and along the far sidewalk and now he was sure, and came down his own front steps and halfway out to the sidewalk, but then he stopped, for now, although both of them looked across into his eyes, and he into theirs, they did not

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Johannes Vermeer The Concert painting

Johannes Vermeer The Concert paintingGustave Courbet The Origin of the World paintingGustave Courbet Plage de Normandie painting
then at something queer, that he had never seen before, on the bedside table, a tangle of brown beads and a little cross; through her breathing he began once more to hear the quarreling sparrows; he said to himself: dead, dead, but all he could do was see and hear; the streetcar raised and quieted its grim, iron cry; he became aware that his cap was pushed crooked against her and he felt that he ought to take it off but that he ought not to move just now to take it off, and he knew why his Aunt Hannah had been so mad at him. He could no longer hear even a rumor of the streetcar, and his mother’s breathing had become quiet again. With one hand she held Catherine still more closely against her, and Catherine sniffled a little more comfortably; with the other hand she put Rufus quietly away, so that she could look clearly into his eyes; tenderly she took off his cap and laid it beside her, and pushed the hair back from his forehead. “Neither of you will quite understand for a while,” she said. “It’s—very hard to understand. But you will,” she said (I do, he said to himself; he’s dead. That’s

Salvador Dali The Crucifixion painting

Salvador Dali The Crucifixion paintingSalvador Dali Les Elephants paintingMark Rothko Orange and Yellow painting
can say is, I hope you’re wrong but I just don’t know.”
“I don’t, either,” Andrew said. “But I hope it’s so.”
He saw Mary and Hannah look at him hopefully.
“I don’t mean the whole Business,” he said. “I don’t know anything about that. I just mean tonight.”

Can’t eat your cake and have it, his father thought.
Like slapping a child in the face, Andrew thought; he had been rougher than he had intended.
“But, Andrew dear,” Mary was about to say, but she caught herself. What a thing to argue about, she thought; and what a time to be wrangling about it!
Each of them realized that the others felt something of this; for a little while none of them had anything to say. Finally Andrew said, “I’m sorry.”
“Never mind,” his sister said. “It’s all right, Andrew.”
“We just each believe what we’re able,” Hannah said, after a moment

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sandro Botticelli La Primavera painting

Sandro Botticelli La Primavera paintingSalvador Dali meditative rose paintingSalvador Dali clock melting clocks painting
and he was sick with self-disgust to have thought of it. “We all do,” he said.
Without looking at them Mary went to the kitchen closet and brought a thick tumbler to the table. The bottle was almost full. She poured the tumbler full while they watched her, feeling they must not interfere, and took a deep gulp and choked on it, and swallowed most of it.
“Dilute it,” Hannah said, slapping her hard between the shoulders and drying her lips and her chin with a dish towel. “It’s much too strong, that way.”
“I will,” Mary croaked, and cleared her throat, “I will,” she said more clearly.
“Just sit down, Mary,” Andrew and Hannah said at the same moment, and Andrew brought her a glass of water and Hannah helped her to her chair.
“I’m going to have some, too,” Andrew said.
“Goodness, do!” said Mary.
“Let me fix us a good strong toddy,” Hannah said. “It’ll help you to sleep

Albert Bierstadt Among the Sierra Nevada Mountains California painting

Albert Bierstadt Among the Sierra Nevada Mountains California paintingAlbert Bierstadt In the Mountains paintingAlbert Bierstadt Yosemite Valley painting
I move into a new place, I take my camera and photograph every bit of damage I can find. If it’s something I’m actually worried about, I usually email the photographs to my new landlord. I know plenty of people who make a point of printing out their photos and mailing themselves those prints; as long as they leave the envelope sealed, they have proof that the damage was there at a certain date. Unfortunately, neither technique will do a whole lot of good if you wind up in court down the road — it’s the actual photos that will help you out more.2. Support Your insurance Claims
When you file an insurance claim, you’ll probably have a few photos to send along with it — of a car, a house, etc. But there are a few other pictures worth sending, if you had a chance to take them. insurance agents recommend that you write down the serial number of pretty much everything

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Salvador Dali The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory painting

Salvador Dali The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory paintingSalvador Dali The Crucifixion paintingSalvador Dali Les Elephants painting
endure it and let any question of worthiness take care of itself. That’s more than enough.”
“I feel so utterly unprepared. So little time to prepare in.”
“I don’t think it’s a kind of thing that can be prepared for; it just has to be lived through.”
There was a kind of ambition there, Hannah felt, a kind of pride or poetry, which was very mistaken and very dangerous. But she was not yet quite sure what she meant; and of all the times to become beguiled by such a matter, to try to argue it, or warn about it! She’s so young, she told herself. She’ll learn; poor soul, she’ll learn.
Even while Hannah watched her, Mary’s face became diffuse and humble. Oh, not yet, Hannah whispered desperately to herself. Not yet. But Mary said, shyly, “Aunt Hannah, can we kneel down for a minute?”
Not yet, she wanted to say. For the first time in her she suspected how

Francois Boucher Adoration of the Shepherds painting

Francois Boucher Adoration of the Shepherds painting
Johannes Vermeer The Concert painting
Gustave Courbet The Origin of the World painting
took them and kissed her cheek while at the same instant they said, “Mary” and, “my dear”; then Hannah hurried to put her hat on the rack. Andrew stayed at the open door and did not speak but merely kept looking into her eyes; his own eyes were as hard and bright as those of a bird and they spoke to her of a cold and bitter incredulity, as if he were accusing something or someone (even perhaps his sister) which it was useless beyond words to accuse. She felt that he was saying, “And you can still believe in that idiotic God of yours?” Walter Starr stayed back in the darkness; Mary could just see the large lenses of his glasses, and the darkness of his mustache and of his heavy shoulders.
“Come in, Walter,” she said, and her voice was as overwarm as if she were coaxing a shy child.
“We can’t stop,” Andrew said sharply.
Walter came forward and took her hand, and gently touched her wrist with his other hand. “We shan’t be long,” he said.

Gustav Klimt Danae (detail) painting

Gustav Klimt Danae (detail) paintingSalvador Dali The Persistence of Memory paintingSalvador Dali The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory painting
that. Besides, when he really took care he knew he could hold his liquor good as the next man. He’d show them. But it wasn’t so easy, figuring how to get out. Can’t go out to pee so soon. Nor dipper of water. He felt a sudden terrible excess of shame. No, by God, he wouldn’t sit there scheming himself a shot over his own dying father, and his mother looking on at him, knowing his mind, not saying a word. By God, he wouldn’t! He set himself to put everything out of his mind except his father, not as he had ever feared him, or wished he approved of him, or wished he was dead, but as he lay there now, old and broken, cast aside near the end of the trail, yes sir, the embers fading; and within a short while he was sobbing, and talking of his father through his sobs, and within a short while more he began to realize that he had found his way out. His struggles against this temptation, his iterations of “I’m no good,” and, “I’m the son he set least store by, but I’m the one that cares for him the most,” and the voices of the women, soothing him, trying to quiet him, only added to his tears, the richness of his emotions, and his verbosity, and before long he had realized

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thomas Kinkade HOMETOWN MORNING painting

Thomas Kinkade HOMETOWN MORNING paintingThomas Kinkade HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS paintingWinslow Homer The Houses of Parliament painting
His father proffered a Life Saver, courteously, man to man; he took it with a special sense of courtesy. It sealed their contract. Only once had his father felt it necessary to say to him, “I wouldn’t tell your mama, if I were you”; he had known, from then on, that he could trust Rufus; and Rufus had felt gratitude in this silent trust. They walked away from Market Square, along a dark and nearly empty street, sucking their Life Savers; and Rufus’ father reflected, without particular concern, that Life Savers were not saver enough; he had better play very tired tonight, and turn away the minute they got in bed.
The deaf and dumb asylum was deaf and dumb, his father observed very quietly, as if he were careful not to wake it, as he always did on these evenings; its windows showed black in its pale brick, as the nursing woman’s eyes, and it stood deep and silent among the light shadows of its trees. Ahead, Asylum Avenue lay bleak beneath its lamps.

Michelangelo Buonarroti Creation of Adam painting

Michelangelo Buonarroti Creation of Adam paintingThomas Kinkade The Rose Garden paintingCaravaggio Amor Vincit Omnia painting
own terms. Why not discover what you enjoy and do that?
Become comfortable with some amounts of stress – I don’t think it’s possible to travel completely stress-free; I’m more interested in finding a low-stress solution. You might be able to avoid any stress at all by escaping reality on a deserted island, but that kind of trip is rarely gratifying in the end. Focus instead on reducing stress by making simple choices.
Goal-Setting and Vacations – It sounds strange to some, but I suspect many Zen Habits readers will “get it” – I recommend setting a few personal goals for every trip, even a vacation. My goals may be as simple as running a few miles every day or writing two pages in my journal every morning, or they may be more detailed like completing a writing project I’ve been working on. If you have daily habits of productivity and -setting, you don’t need to completely set them aside just because you’re away from Home.

Thomas Kinkade London At Sunset painting

Thomas Kinkade London At Sunset paintingThomas Kinkade Hometown Pride paintingThomas Kinkade HOMETOWN EVENING painting
Where the Sidewalk Ends, by Shel Silverstein. Classic Silverstein, this book and the next are full of incredible poems and drawings that will delight any reader, young or old. * A Light in the Attic, by Shel Silverstein. More from perhaps the greatest children’s poet of all time. * The Missing Piece, by by Shel Silverstein. OK, I should stop with the Silverstein, but I really cannot get enough of him. There’s actually a series of books along the lines of the Missing Piece, all of them with interesting a staple of my childhood, and just as good today as 30 years ago.
For Middle Readers
* James and the Giant Peach, by Roald Dahl. I don’t know how he does it, but Dahl has a way of telling stories that is just magical. He creates such real and deep characters, little kids who you cannot help but love and empathize with. This and the next two books are among his greatest, but one should not rule out BFG, his poetry or any of his other stories.

Unknown Artist Grand Canal scene painting

Unknown Artist Grand Canal scene paintingCarl Fredrik Aagard Villa at Lake Como paintingCarl Fredrik Aagard Lodge on Lake Como painting
place for it. When I’m done, I have a nice, peaceful enviornment for work, play, and living. Do this a little at a time — it can be one of your “fun activities”.
10. Be early. I will admit that it’s hard to be early when you have to get 6 kids ready (seriously — try it!). But being late can be very stressful. Try to leave earlier by getting ready earlier, or by scheduling more space between events. Things always take longer than normal, so schedule some buffer time: extra time to get ready, to commute, to do errands before you need to be somewhere, to attend a meeting before another scheduled appointment. If you get somewhere early, it’s good to have some reading material.
commitments in your to just the essential ones. Learn to say no to the rest — and slowly get out of commitments that aren’t beneficial to you. Schedule only a few important things each day, and put space between them. Get out of meetings when they aren’t absolutely essential. Leave room for down time

Jean Francois Millet Haystacks Autumn painting

Jean Francois Millet Haystacks Autumn painting
Jean Francois Millet Harvesters Resting painting
Jean Francois Millet Garden painting

household; he wished his return to be unannounced and to lead a of complete seclusion; he would give a ball. At last a date in January was chosen which proved to be the correct one. Plender preceded him by some days; there was a difficulty here. Plender was not an original member of the Brideshead household; he had been Lord Marchmain’s servant in the yeomanry, and had only once met Wilcox on the painful occasion of the removal of his master’s luggage when it was decided not to return from the war; then Plender had been valet, as, officially, he still was, but he had, in the past years introduced a kind of suffragan, a Swiss body-servant, to attend to the wardrobe and also, when occasion arose, lend a hand with less dignified tasks about the house, and had in effect become majordomo of that

Sunday, October 5, 2008

William Bouguereau Little Thieves painting

William Bouguereau Little Thieves painting
Alfred Gockel Wild Party I painting
Leonardo da Vinci Portrait of Ginevra de Benci painting
removed his trunks and valet to their house in London. Evidence was taken against Julia and me in my flat. A date was fixed for Brideshead’s, early in the Christmas s, so that his future step-children might take part.
One afternoon in November Julia and I stood at a window in the drawing-room watching the wind at work stripping the lime trees, sweeping down the yellow leaves, sweeping them up and round and along the terrace and lawns, trailing them through puddles and over the wet grass, pasting them on walls and window-panes, leaving them at length in sodden piles against the stonework.
‘We shan’t see them in spring,’ said Julia; ‘perhaps never again.’
‘Once before,’ I said, ‘I went away, thinking I should never return.’

Amedeo Modigliani Portrait of Jeanne Hebuterne painting

Amedeo Modigliani Portrait of Jeanne Hebuterne paintingAmedeo Modigliani Nude Sdraiato paintingAmedeo Modigliani Nu couche de dos painting
What are your plans?’
‘London for a bit, ‘ she said.
‘Celia’s going straight . She wants to see the children.’
‘You too?’
‘In London then.’
‘Charles, the little red-haired man Foulenough. Did you see? Two plain clothes police have taken him off.’
‘I missed it. There was such a crowd on that side of the ship.’ ‘I found out the trains and sent a telegram. We shall be by dinner. The children will be asleep. Perhaps we might wake Johnjohn up, just for once.’ ‘You go down,’ I said. ‘I shall have to stay in London.’
‘Oh, but Charles, you must come. You haven’t seen Caroline.’
‘Will she change much in a week or two?’
‘Darling, she changes every day.’

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Red Hat painting

Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Red Hat paintingDiane Romanello Windsong paintingDiane Romanello Weeping Willows painting
was a fake, and one afternoon when Sebastian was tight - he was tight most of the time - she got the whole story of the Grand Tour out of him. And that was the end of Mr Samgrass. After that the Marchioness began to think she might have been a bit rough with you.’
‘And what about the row with Cordelia?’
‘That eclipsed everything. That kid’s a walking marvel - she’d been feeding Sebastian whisky right under our noses for a week. We couldn’t think where he was getting it. That’s when the Marchioness finally crumbled.’
The soup was delicious after the rich blinis - hot, thin, bitter, frothy. ‘I’ll tell you a thing, Charles, that Ma Marchmain hasn’t let on to anyone. She’s a very sick woman. Might peg out any minute. George Anstruther saw her in the autumn and put it at two years.’

Tamara de Lempicka Saint Moritz painting

Tamara de Lempicka Saint Moritz paintingTamara de Lempicka Printemps paintingTamara de Lempicka Portrait of Marjorie Ferry painting
understand it. I don’t understand how you can have been so nice in so many ways, and then do something so wantonly cruel. I don’t understand how we all liked you so much. Did you hate us all the time? I don’t understand how we deserved it.’
I was unmoved; there was no part of me remotely touched by her distress. It was as I had often imagined being expelled from school. I almost expected to hear her say: ‘I have already written to inform your unhappy father.’ But as I drove away and turned back in the car to take what promised to be my last view of the house, I felt that I was leaving part of myself behind, and that wherever I went afterwards I should feel the lack of it, and search for it hopelessly, as ghosts are said to do, frequenting the spots where they buried material treasures without which they cannot pay their way to the nether world.
‘I shall never go back,’ I said to myself.

Pablo Picasso Bread and Fruit Dish on a Table painting

Pablo Picasso Bread and Fruit Dish on a Table paintingPablo Picasso Accordionist paintingIrene Sheri Music To My Ear painting
South Twining.?’ said Cordelia. ‘Goodness, he did get lost!’ When he arrived he was flushed and his eyes were feverishly bright; I saw that he was two-thirds drunk.
‘Dear boy,’ said Lady Marchmain. ‘How nice to see you looking so well again. Your day in the open has done you good. The drinks are on the table; do help yourself’ There was nothing unusual in her speech but the fact of her saying it. Six months ago it would not have been said.
‘Thanks, ‘ said Sebastian. ‘I will.’
A blow, expected, repeated, falling on a bruise, with no smart or shock of surprise, only a dull and sickening pain and the doubt whether another like it could be borne - that was how it felt, sitting opposite Sebastian at

Frida Kahlo Portrait of Dona Rosita Morillo painting

Frida Kahlo Portrait of Dona Rosita Morillo paintingFrida Kahlo Portrait of Diego Rivera paintingFrida Kahlo Naturaleza viva painting
Brideshead, who came Home to luncheon and talked to me on the subject - for the subject was everywhere in the house like a fire deep in the hold of a ship, below the water-line, black and red in the darkness, coming to in acrid wisps of smoke that oozed under hatches and billowed suddenly from the scuttles and air pipes - with Brideshead, I was in a strange world, a dead world to me, in a moon-landscape of barren lava, a high place of toiling lungs.
He said: ‘I hope it is dipsomania. That is simply a great misfortune that we must all help him bear. What I used to fear was that he just got drunk deliberately when he liked and because he liked.’
‘That’s exactly what he did - what we both did. It’s what he does with me now. I can keep him to that, if only your mother would trust me. If you worry him with keepers and cures he’ll be a physical wreck in a few years.’
‘There’s nothing wrong in being a physical wreck, you know

Friday, October 3, 2008

Edward Hopper Ryder's House painting

Edward Hopper Ryder's House paintingEdward Hopper Railroad Train paintingEdward Hopper New York Street Corner painting
Oxford - Anthony Blanche? I wonder what became of him.’ They lumbered back into the herd from which they had been so capriciously chosen and grew less and less individually recognizable. The change was not so apparent to them as to us, and they still congregated on occasions in our rooms; but we gave up seeking them. Instead we formed the taste for lower company and spent our evenings, as often as not, in Hogarthian little inns in St Ebb’s and St Clement’s and the streets between the old market and the canal, where we managed to be gay and were, I believe, well liked by the company. The gardener’s Arms and the Nag’s Head, the Druid’s Head near the theatre, and the Turf in Hell Passage knew us well; but in the last of these we were liable to

Thomas Kinkade Beacon of hope painting

Thomas Kinkade Beacon of hope paintingThomas Kinkade The Sea Of Tranquility paintingThomas Kinkade The Beginning of a Perfect Day painting
seriously. Oh, Charles, what has happened since last term? I feel so old.’
‘I feel middle-aged. That is infinitely worse. I believe we have had all the fun we can expect here.’
We sat silent in the firelight as darkness fell.
‘Anthony Blanche has gone down.’
‘He wrote to me. Apparently he’s taken a flat in Munich - he has formed an
attachment to a policeman there.’
‘I shall miss him.’
‘I suppose I shall, too, in a way.’
We fell silent again and sat so still in the firelight that a man who came in to see me, stood for a moment in the door and then went away thinking the room empty. ‘This is no way to start a new year,’ said Sebastian; but this sombre October evening seemed to breathe its chill, moist air over the succeeding